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Down a Rabbit Hole | Minnesota6971 | 3


You stand up and look around. The trees are a riot of colors, colors not found in nature. The sky is purple the grass is red. The bird over head look like a cross between a rat and a crow, but with day glow blue coloring.

Eventually, you look to your left and see a couple walking towards you. On the right is a man in a plaid golf business suit with a tie with a clown on it. His feet were fluffy bunny sandals. His skin was the most eye popping thing about him, it was a bright blue.

The woman next to him was just as bizarre, She was dressed in what could be described as a teal PVC tennis outfit. On her feet were highly polished white combat boots. This outfit covered skin that was stripped black and white, like a zebra's. Both of them had light green hair, with yellow stripes.

“Well, look what the rabbit hole brought us honey. She is so cute, isn't see?” the man said.

“Very tasty. Well little one, welcome to our world. Here everything and one , by your standards, strange beyond words. Here everything is bright, vibrant and different. We have a lot of work to do with you little one.” the woman said.

“Yes we do, we do we start, where do we start? Sexual preference, that is so much fun, maybe your hair, or skin. We do have to get you out of that awful clothing. With a stomp of his foot the nearby roots and vines snap up and entangle you, pulling you to the ground and binding you there.


How do they start your transformation?


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