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The Only Guy on Earth | Shendude | 1


Fifty years ago, an experiment gone wrong released an energy pulse that forever changed the world.

The Pulse radically transformed every female on the planet. All women got an "upgrade" in appearance: ugly women became pretty, pretty women beacame beautiful, etc. Every woman became bisexual, and had their libido increased to an astounding degree, as well as developing an exhibitionist streak a mile wide. About half of all women developed personality traits that were generally considered masculine: they became more aggressive and competitive, developed interest in sports, etc. It also became possible for two women to breed. This last was especially important, because every human male was vaporized by the Pulse.

Their were also an array of more subtle effects, such as changes in the climate (weather became milder, summers and springs lengthened, winters and falls shortened, and temperatures in general tended to comfortable warmth).

After some panic, civilization somehow managed to continue much as it had before, but with differences. It seemed that inter-female breeding could only produce other females, who experienced the same physical and mental abnormalities as their mothers. And so, society changed. Between the milder climates, enhanced libidos, and exhibitionism, society became far more open to sex and sexuality. Clothing that once would've been confined to the bedroom became everday streetwear. Even uniforms became sexier and skimpier. Prostitution was legalized, and along with other forms of erotic entertainment, began to lose its social stigma, becoming a perfectly respectable way of making a living. The line between soft-core porn and regular entertainment and even advertising blurred into nothing. Sex toys began to be sold as regular houshold goods.

Into this world was born Owen Gelman. A one-in-a-billion freak of nature created by a series of unreproducuable flukes, he was the first human male born since the Pulse. After the initial shock, his astonished mothers decided they would do everything they could to ensure he had a normal life. But in a world of women eager to expereince the pleasures of heterosexual intercourse, that might be hard to achieve.


What happens next?

          First Day of College

          Plan get changed


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