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In 2072, a medical breakthrough produced a new, hyper-effective method of treating diseases spread via sex, causing the WHO to launch a campaign to eradicate all STDs. On June 9, 2119, this campaign was declared a complete success. Coincidentally, that same day saw the commercial debut of Zayvex, an injectable micro-implant that gave injectees of either gender complete conscious control over their fertility.

In the wake of these two events came both a wave of products intended to enhance one's sexual abilities (ranging from over-the-counter pills making men multi-orgasmic to home kits for enhancing one's g-spot), and a plethora of scientific studies showing a myriad of physical, psychological, and even economic benefits to a lifestyle that is pansexual, polyamorous, and promiscuous. The ultimate culmination of those studies was "The New Sexuality".

A collaboration between several noted thinkers, "The New Sexuality" was published in June of 2124. Both academically rigorous and accessible to lay-people, this well-written book eloquently put forth the argument that extant sexual mores and taboo had become obsolete, and it was time they were done away with. Instead, a "new sexuality" was proposed, one that made sex a part of all human interaction, and placed the pursuit of sexual pleasure as a goal in every human endeavor. Despite some controversy, the book was both wildly successful, and highly influential; that very year "NuSex" candidates began appearing on ballots.

In 2129, the fifth anniversary of "The New Sexuality" was celebrated with the first meeting of the International NuSex Congress. Over a thousand people from all over the world attended the event, and delegates included celebrities, politicians, artists, scholars, and ordinary people from all walks of life. At that time, almost every First World nation had an active NuSex political party, and many had seats on national legislatures.

The influence of NuSex continued to grow, and the movement achieved victories in every field, ranging from the near-universal legalization of prostitution to the nomination of a pornographic film for a "Best Picture" Oscar. But despite this success, the movement was not without opposition, and battles with conservative forces, caused many NuSexers to adopt a more hard-line approach. This in turn brought conflict with more moderate voices in the movement.

The conflict came to a head in 2138, when thirty delegates were expelled from the ninth NuSex Congress for their radical views. The thirty responded by forming a new group, the "Scions of 6/9", and dedicated themselves to the complete imposition of their extreme vision of NuSex, by any means necessary. The mainstream NuSex movement quickly moved to marginalize the 6/9ers, and they soon became widely regarded as crackpots. Despite the ridicule, however, their message proved to be quite popular among young people, and they began quietly building up their strength.

The extent of that strength became apparent on June 9th, 2169, when the Scions launched a series of highly successful coups and uprisings intent on seizing power worldwide. By the New Year, they had largely succeeded, with most nations firmly under 6/9er control. In some ways, 6/9 rule was similar to that of other totalitarian states; elections were rigged or canceled, opponents of the new regime were arrested and "disappeared", freedom of speech and the press was curtailed, and bands of young "Soldiers of 6/9" roamed the streets attacked perceived counterrevolutionaries. But the 6/9ers brought many changes unique to themselves. Laws limiting sexual behavior were weakened or repealed altogether and punishments for sex-based crimes were softened. Celibacy and absistence were banned. TV networks were required to show hard-core pornographic content at peak hours. And all citizens physically capable of sexual activity were required to have sex with multiple partners of both genders on a regular basis.


So who are you?

          A female Soldier of 6/9

          A female counterrevolutionary


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