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Yet another high school story... | yoyo1342 | 4


The rumbling in your stomach makes your decision for you, and the smell of toasted bagels downstairs calls to you.

You head down the stairs, turning the corner in to the kitchen you see your brother Robert standing over some seriously dubious looking scrambled eggs. He was wearing a pair of jeans and his uniform polo.

Robert, always quick to sense a slight, immediately notices the slight look of derision on your face and bristles visibly.

“If you don’t like’em you can starve. Pop asked me to make breakfast, not to take crap from you.” Robert was obviously in a good mood. Normally he wouldn’t say anything, he’d just keep the eggs to himself and plot his revenge. Contrary to what one might think, Robert being in a good was not a good thing for you. Robert in a good mood was someone who didn’t have to plot revenge, a good mood meant he had just carried out a plot.

“That’s fine, I was just going to stick some butter and jam on one.” You grab a bagel out of the bag and look it over warily before cutting it and sticking it in the toaster. You grab the butter and jam out of the fridge, careful to check it for anything suspicious.

When you had been younger, Robert was bigger than you and Rachel, and tormented both of you. He was a fan of “pro” wrestling and his favorite thing was to “practice” various elaborate submission holds on both of you. He wouldn’t hurt you, he wasn’t a sadist, but he would keep you in the hold until you would say, “I submit to your superior will, my master”, then he would let go and laugh like it was all a joke. Now that you were all older, and that wouldn’t fly, he would resort to increasingly elaborate plots to keep Rachel and you under his thumb.

“Hey sis, could you do me a favor and grab the shredded cheddar from the back of the fridge?”

Not saying anything, you open the fridge to look for the cheese.

“I don’t see it in here Rob, are you sure it’s here?" you say impatiently

"Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s there in the back of the bottom shelf.” again, your brother sounds too friendly.

You bend down at the waist and lean in the fridge to reach behind the various stuff in the fridge. At basically the exact same time as you see the cheddar, you also see a small camera in the middle of the fridge. Checking yourself, you notice that indeed, your tank top is providing a fantastic look at your bare breasts. You just sigh and grab the cheddar.

“How much time and money do you expend setting up that ridiculous little trap Rob?”

“Oh, not so much, I’ve had those wireless cameras for months now. They were worth the price, let me tell you. Don’t worry, no one else will see that video for now, but I want to hear you say it.”

Knowing full well that Robert doesn’t bluff, and that that video, and god know what else, will find its way to some cleverly titled website if you don’t you submit.
“I submit to your superior will, my master. Now shouldn’t you be getting off to work at Radiomart?”

“Yeah yeah, but don’t forget, I’ve got you. One day soon, I’ll need you to do me a favor to make that video disappear for good.”

With that, he left, and you ate your breakfast in peace.


Get ready for school?

          Head upstairs to get ready...


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