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Battle fuck | zephyr121 | 14


There is a large wooden door, with a decorative pentagram on it, curious as to who the occupant is, you enter. Inside is a dimly lit space, the only light coming from various candles scattered around the perimeter.

You can see vaguely see different objects, as your eyes adjust to the lack of light. you can however make out : an old style iron cauldron, various herbs, and what looks to be an alter. Suddenly, you can make out a figure who rises from the center of the room.

She looks at playfully at you. "Why hello there, my name is Aurora, welcome to my room. She is the most bewitching bespectacled beauty you have ever laid eyes on. Her hair has an auburn tint to it, and her skin is pale.

She has a cute pixie nose, and her face has some cute freckles on it. She certainly doesn't look at home in the room she is, but then again, you've learned not to judge things too quickly.


Any special rules for this room?

          She gets right to it


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