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"Yes" | dgr1 | 4


Tanya’s first class of the day was history, her worst subject in school. As she started entering the class a voice said, “Wait outside till told to come in.”

Tanya had no choice but to obey. It seemed like five minutes before the voice said to enter.

As Tanya entered the first thing she notice were all the chairs were set up in a semi-circle with a single chair in the center. Standing next to the chair was the girl with the shaved head and tattoos, the one how was also holding her right shoe.

“Please take a seat at the head of the class,” the girl with the shoe paused and then added, “Bitch.”

Tanya did as ordered. As Tanya approached she noticed that there was a box sitting next to the chair an in the box she noticed a pair of scissors, a shaving razor and several brightly colored sharpies. She feared the worst at this point. Glancing around the class she did see one friendly face, her friend Heather.

As Tanya sat in the chair the skin headed girl stepped up behind her and said, “Now for the fun. I’ll draw a name from this hat and that person gets to ask a question of Tanya related to history. If she gets it wrong that person gets to use one of the items in the box on her.”

Tanya at once knew that she would be hairless and covered with all sorts of sharpie tattoos all over her body before the class was finished.”

“To make it interesting, if Tanya here should get the question correct, the person asking the question will have to remove an item of clothing of their choice, and shoes are not one of them. And to make it even more of an incentive to ensure that the questions are hard, that person will remain without that item the rest of the day. Does the class agree?”

All but one of the class raised their hand.

“Great”, Tanya thought and this is my worst subject.

“The first name is, “There was a momentary pause and then, “Linda.”

A tall lanky female who was wearing a halter dress stood and asked the first question. Her question was, “Name the first four vice presidents of the United States in order.”

Tanya found herself relieved by the question. This one she actually knew because it was the report she was working on. She thought the reason it was asked of her was because Linda was not there on the day the assignments was handed out. Taking a deep breath Tanya answered the question, “John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr and George Clinton.”

Linda’s smile went from a shit eating grin as if she was sure to she would win to a sudden frown and said for the entire class to hear, “Fuck, and all I’m wearing is this dress.”

The skinhead whispered into Tanya’s ear, “You will amend you answer and miss all following answers during this class.”

Tanya said even though she did not want to, “I was wrong on number four. His name was Jeff Clinton”

Linda’s smile returned as she said, “Wrong.” Linda stepped forward and reached into the box next to the chair and removed the pair of scissors. Using the scissors Linda clipped on a large chunk of Tanya’s Shoulder length hair.

“The next name is,” a pause, “Heather.”

Feeling that her friend would be easy on her and give her a question that she could answer, Tanya relaxed a little. Heather’s question was, “What is your name?”

Tanya thought, “that’s not history” and when Tanya went to answer her response was, “Betty Davis” All at once Tanya knew that she would not be able to answer any question correctly for the rest of the class.”

Heather walked forward and picked up the scissors and clipped of another large chunk of her hair. As she clipped the hair, Heather whispered, “Sorry, I tried to be easy.”

Three more questions later and the hair on Tanya’s head was short enough for some shaving.

The next person to ask a question took a razor and started shaving her hair. In order to make things go faster, while one person was using the implements in the box, another was being asked a question. It took five people to finish shaving her scalp.

The skin head finely drew her name, Rachel, from the hat and took the pair of scissors and closely trimmed all the hair from Tanya’s bush. “Great!” Tanya thought a couple more questions and I’ll be completely hairless, which she was.

The next person up used a sharpie and wrote just above her cunt, “Slut Slit” The color that was used was a bright Day-Glo green and stood out against her white freshly shaved skin.

The bell rang ending history class to some relief from Tanya.

‘I guess you can now put on our right shoe. And head to your next class.


What class does she have next

          Art Class


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