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Thrust | TheVillian | 10


The walk to the meeting place was a solemn one as you and your family tread for the meeting place. Dad was semi-smart it seems, the location he told them where the family was still struck you as too close for comfort but it wasn't the same place- a bit of a hike was definitely required.

When all of you and your family arrive at the location it becomes apparent that the other survivors had similar tricks in mind as they are much earlier then they said they'd be- which so were you so it's hard to be angry at them. A few guns get closer to their owners and are held a little higher, but nobody is pointing them at your family at the moment.

"Howdy." one man begins, "looks like we both at pre-scoping the meeting area in mind. Good. We can do this early then. Base camp may be using us to check out another lead on other fellow survivors- we'd like to be early then too. If we could start with the men please, in descending age."

A doctor steps forward and motions for your father and you to step close, right up the the edge of a cloth barrier that makes a temporary antechamber between you and the entrance of a converted school-bus. From the outside you can see they've added armor, who knows what they've added inside. Your father is taken behind the cloth first.

"Remove All Clothing Please," a female voice speaks, and the sounds that follow suggest your father is obeying.

"Male, looks to be early 40's, Appears Obese." A male voice begins, taking notes, "Any medical conditions I should know about?"

"Diabetes and Impotence" your father admits, much to your surprise in both cases, "Have enough Insulin for 3 months."

"What kind of skills do you have?"

"I can fix motors pretty well."

"Alright, can you shoot a gun?"

"Yep, I can do that too."

"Then I think we can come to an arrangement. Please board the bus, take a seat in the back-right section. Next."

You take that as your cue and walk behind the cloth yourself, revealing an elderly doctor and a pretty young nurse- him wearing old tweed, her standing in the doorway of the bus and wearing what looks like a hospital gown with pants. She looks cute, asian, and about your age.

"Remove all clothing please." she says, handing over a basket. You obey, and soon are standing nude before the two of them. The doctor has the dispassionate look of a doctor as he begins speaking into a tape recorder.

"2nd Male is Early 20's, appears physically fit." he begins, you catch the nurse licking her lips, "Allegedly the biological son of the first male. Any medical issues I should know about?"

"Not that I can think of, sir." you say.

"Sexually active?"

"Yes sir."

"Any children or diseases?"

"A few pregnancy scares, but as far as I know they've always taken the pill."

"And you claim to be the biological child of the first male and the older of the females in your group?"

"Yes, we're a family."

"Alright, we're going to need a sperm sample- which Nurse Amy will help you get." he instructs, pointing you towards the door, "Follow her."

You can't help but notice she wasn't given a choice in this. You, still nude, walk onto the bus. The inside you quickly see has been altered to divide it into sections- Amy pointing you to the front right by the door. The thin door opens to reveal that most of the seats have been removed- replaced larger more comfortable seats.

"Please be seated." Amy instructs.

"What about my clothes?"

"They'll be returned afterwards, we just need to get a sperm sample- we have some quick tests to do to roughly determine fertility. Please be seated."

You cave and obey, walking in the door and sitting in the most comfortable chair you have ever been in since the bombs fell. Amy follows you in and takes off her shirt revealing small perky breasts.

"What? I. . ."

"Shh. . .it's alright. I'll get that sample, it's my job. I'm just glad your dad admitted he was impotent, and that you're cute." she explains. Reaching down, she starts giving you a slow hand job, "The big cock doesn't hurt either."

"Female, late 30's, physically fit. Allegedly the biological mother of three children, would need genetic testing to tell for sure but having seen the children I believe it. Any medical issues?" you hear from the outside, a quick look showing that the windows are tinted only one way- you can clearly see your mother's behind.


"Good. Just a quick test to roughly gauge fertility and you can go onto the bus." the doctor says, producing what looks like a didlo with wires coming out.

"Stick this into your vagina please."


"I assure you madam, it's a scientific instrument of the highest caliber- testing core fluid chemicals to roughly gauge how fertile you are. The shape is unfortunate, but necessary."

You watch as your mother seems to have no choice but obey and she take the instrument and begins pushing it inside her.

"Deeper please." the doctor instructs, a groan escaping her lips as she obeys. An instrument behind him registers something and he waves a hand to her.

"You can remove it now, and hand it back to me please."

Your mother puts her clothes back on as she does it, and the doctor wipes the instrument off with a sterile wipe. Amy takes a place between your legs as she moves from a hand-job to a full-on blowjob- a collection cup ready. Your sister Tracy takes your mother's place as your mother boards the bus and starts removing her clothes.

"Female, late teens to early 20's, fit. I am noticing that all the females are endowed similarly, another sign of genetic relationships and hopefully a sign of fertility. Any medical issues young lady?"

"Not really, was on birth control pills but ran out."

"Are you sexually active?"


"Ever been pregnant or have a disease?"

"No, but like I said I've been on the pill."

"Alright, then we have another test to roughly gauge your fertility."

You can't help but moan yourself as Amy's blowjob picks up the pace and you watch Tracy push the dildo/tester into her core herself. When the instrument behind the doctor registers he allows her to pull it out.

"Almost there." Amy briefly says before getting back to work, and she's right- you're almost there as Milly starts disrobing as she takes Tracy's place.

"Female, Late teens, fit. Any medical issues?"


"Good. Are you sexually active?"

You don't hear her answer as Amy makes a final push to get you to cum. Suddenly it's like an explosion of white behind your eyes as one of the most intense orgasms of your life hits, and flows around your nerves.

When you get your vision back Milly is dressed and boarding the bus as Amy triumphantly holds a cup full of your semen and she puts her shirt on.

"Little tip, try to make it fun for us and we'll more then pay you back." Amy says cryptically as she leaves your compartment, your clothes at the side of your seat. When dressed you watch as the doctor is still at his station, putting some of your sperm under a microscope and some more in a side instrument he looks carefully.

The other survivors start to pack up as the leader approaches the doctor.

"Well doc, what's the word?"

"Jackpot. High fertility seems to run on the mother's side, all three of the females should be good for children for years. The younger of the males is highly fertile too- possibly the most fertile male in the camp. Pity the older male is impotent."

"He seems wily though, and says he can fix engines and shoot a gun. Not the most useful we've ever encountered but he might pull his weight. Good, we have a stop to make before getting back to base camp. Good work."

"My pleasure."


Anyone Visit On The Ride To The Next Stop?

          Amy The Nurse


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