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Bastion of the Enchantress | kuellar | 5


The Frostwall mountains were a startling sight, especially lit from behind by the setting sun. Each towering peak was capped with ice that blazed pink and red with the sunset, looking for all the world like a row of giant lighted candles. William the coachman sighed at the stunning view, but he could not help thinking that even such beauty paled next to the Enchantress Allura. He had served her for many years, from the time he was a young boy, working in the stables of her castle. His father had been one of the first to join her service, leaving the tribe behind to live in her castle. All those years, catching only occasional glimpses of her, and now! Now she sat not two feet behind him! The very thought was enough to cause an uncomfortable tightening in his breeches.

As the coach trundled along the long path leading up to the mountains, and the mercenary clans that ruled there, William allowed his mind to wander. He daydreamed of somehow getting Allura's attention. Perhaps he would be able to save her, from bandits or some kind of monster. Then she would be grateful, and the things she would do to him - ! He nearly moaned aloud, and caught himself just in time to steer the coach around a particularly large pothole.

Looking up, William saw something that made him catch his breath. Smoke - and not just a tendril, such as might be produced from a campfire, but a billowing cloud. There were villages here, at the foot of the Frostwall, and it appeared that one of these was on fire.

William gulped. He had to tell Allura. With trembling hands he slowed the horses, and with a trembling voice he called back. "Mistress?"

There was a whisper of fabric, and Allura's lovely head appeared out of the coach cabin. "Yes - William, was it?"

William stared. The Enchantress frowned slightly. "Well?"

"Oh! Er, sorry, Mistress. It's just - I mean - I thought you should see - Over there," he said finally, pointing.

Allura knew what the smoke meant. They had two choices: continue on to the Frostwall, or head towards the smoke to see what was happening. She paused for a moment, and made up her mind.


What does she decide?

          Sebastien interferes


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