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Bastion of the Enchantress | kuellar | 2


--- Enchantress Allura:

- Character
Dark-haired, dark-eyed, leggy, busty, and basically a perfect specimen of womanhood (as all Enchantresses are). Her body is magically enhanced to conform to the lustful fantasies of most men, in order to further her control over them. As an Enchantress, Allura is used to being the dominant party, especially when it comes to men. That's not to say that she doesn't enjoy being "taken" every once in a while, but always on her own terms. Allura's talents lie in manipulation and subtle control; in addition, she has some magical ability, but it's limited to things like small illusions.

- Motivation
Allura once worked for King Dahalag, as a spy, using her talents to gain information about the surrounding nations and increase the King's influence among these nations. But she got greedy: she began to try and control the King himself. Unfortunately for her, the King also employed other magicians, powerful ones who were able to thwart her plan. He ordered her death; she escaped; he pronounced her exiled. Allura fled to the Barrens (see "More about the world") and began to slowly build her forces. She wants to wrest the kingdom from the King's cold, dead hands, and if she can't do it by manipulation and subtlety she'll do it by force. She has been in exile for about two years, long enough to have recruited a small company in the Barrens, but nowhere near enough to attack Dahalag.

--- Sebastien/Bastion

- Character
Sebastien is a knight, a warrior in peak physical condition. He commonly wears light armour and carries a sword. He has brown hair and brown eyes. As a fighter he is nimble and favours wearing down his opponents, inducing weaknesses which he can exploit. He is superbly skilled, but even so he is just one man and can be easily overwhelmed. He has no magical ability. He married early and remained mostly faithful to his wife (although it is extremely common for soldiers to spend much time in whorehouses), so he is not terribly skilled in the sexual arts. He is, however, generously endowed and very strong.

- Motivation
Sebastien, too, once worked for the King. He was a knight in the King's army, and a good one - one of the best. His prowess brought him to the King's attention, and he was invited to the palace to join in one of the weekly feasts. He brought his wife along. This proved to be a mistake, as the beautiful woman caught King Dahalag's eye. The King claimed her as his; Sebastien fought and lost. In desperation he fled, leaving his wife and children in Dahalag's hands. He swore vengeance. At some point he met one of Allura's spies, who told him of Allura's plans to overthrow the kingdom. Sebastien decided to join her ranks. His vengeful drive makes him resistant to Allura's control, as he remains focused on getting his wife out of Dahalag's clutches, but Allura will no doubt see this merely as a challenge.

"Bastion" is Allura's pet name for Sebastien. From time to time, it appears, she is given to the occasional pun.

--- Other characters

- King Dahalag
The King of Redonia, Dahalag is known for his ruthlessness and cruelty. He inherited the throne from his father, and since then has treated the kingdom almost like his plaything. He taxes the people harshly, and uses the money to hold weekly feasts filled with wild excesses. He takes any woman he wishes. The people hate him, and the embers of revolution smoulder in Redonia as a result. Dahalag employs several advisors and court magicians, as well as an elite force of armed guards to protect him at all times.

- Queen Cerise
Queen in name only, Cerise was Dahalag's first wife - they married when Dahalag's father was still King. Once he inherited the throne, Dahalag cast her aside. She still lives in the palace, but remains mostly in seclusion. She is a mysterious figure; no one really knows anything about her.

- Anyra
Sebastien's wife, forced into Dahalag's harem. A woman of fresh-faced, innocent beauty, although Sebastien can only hope that her time in the harem will not break and corrupt her.

- William
The coachman who ferries Allura and Sebastien on the initial part of their journey. A fair-haired young man in his twenties. What will become of him - heroism, villainy, or insignificance? Only time will tell!


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