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Virtual Reality | Eroshumanal | 3


Kelly turns and is stunned as she sees a woman with emerald hair rise up out of the tall grass. Her deep emerald hair reaches down to her waist. Though Kelly seems more interested in the ladies large firm breasts. As they heave up and down with each breath. As Kelly stairs she watches the woman’s nipples stick out and get rock hard.

Realizing she is starring at another woman’s breasts she blushes and quickly looks up to the woman’s smiling face and snake like eyes. The effect is mesmerizing. Kelly finds herself unable to look away at the same time wanting to look deeper into those strange eyes.

The woman slithers up to and behind Kelly. She presses her breasts into Kelly’s back and whispers into her ear. “My you are as forward as you are pretty. Do you like the feel of my breasts pressing into your back? I bet you would you rather have them in your lovely hands.” The lady says with a slight hiss to her voice. The sound is more hypnotic than anything else.

“Yes. I mean no. I mean don’t mind you pressing your breasts into my back. I’m sorry I was starring that was rude of me. Though you have such firm and lovely breasts I couldn’t help myself.” Kelly tries to explain as she feels the woman play with one breast with one hand and slide the other down to her pussy with the other.

“Oh I didn’t mind. I am glade you liked what you saw. Oh you did like what saw.” The woman says as she pulls her dripping wet fingers way from Kelly’s pussy and shows it to her. “I didn’t even get them in you and look at how wet they are could you lick my fingers clean for me? After all you are the one who got them this way.”

Kelly only nods in agreement and opens her mouth and begins to suck on the woman’s fingers tasting her own juices for the first time in her life. She doesn’t know what has come over her she can’t seem to say no to this woman and is finding everything the woman does to her a turn on. She has never been attracted to women before this day and can’t explain it. Though she has to admit to herself she is enjoying it.

“Mmmm! You do that quite well men must beg you for just a drop of attention in hopes you will do this to them.” The lady says as she licks the edges of Kelly’s ear with a snake like fork tongue.

Kelly unwraps her tongue around the ladies fingers and pulls away for a second to answer.

“Not really in the real world I am a bit of a book worm.” Kelly says as she goes back to sucking on the ladies fingers.

“You are defiantly no worm and this is the real world. The other was only a dream.” The lady says in a hypnotic like hiss. Kelly nods in agreement. After all this place and her seem too real to be made up. Her mind seems to fog over her past leaving only her memories of now clear in her mind.

Kelly suddenly hears more sounds of something in the grass. She is about to stop sucking and tell the lady when the lady seeming to read Kelly’s mind says. “Don’t worry its just my sisters they must be wondering what I am up to. Oh how rude of me I have not introduced myself yet have I. Well my name is Emmy.

Suddenly a woman with gold color hair down to her shoulders rises out of the high grass. She has the same snake like eyes as Emmy does.

“Who are you playing with sister?” The golden hair lady hisses in the same hypnotic voice as Emmy.

“I have only introduced myself Goldie. I think I should introduce use all to her first then she can tell us who she is all at once. Don’t you think that is the better way?”

“It would save needless repetition. The others should be here in moments anyway.” Goldie says as she slides a hand down her own stomach and begins to play with a patch of pink scales where her pussy should be.

Suddenly a woman with short silver hair rises up out of the grass and nods her head in disapproval at Goldie. “You shouldn’t play with yourself in front of people you have yet to meet. I am Silvia. Nice to meet you.” Silvia says shaking Kelly’s hand.

Another woman slithers up to Kelly her long crystal like hair reaching down to the ladies elbows. Smiles and gives Kelly a big hug pushing her firm though not so large a Emmy’s breasts into Kelly’s arm. “Oh boy a new friend my name is Crystal if you couldn’t tell by my hair. I hope you will play as nice with me as my big sis here.” Crystal says in a childish like voice though still with that strange hypnotic his to it.

A short purple hair lady comes up to Kelly’s other ear and takes a lick. “Ah you do taste nice. I hope you will find me nectar as sweet. My sisters call me Violet but you can call me anything you like.” Violet says with a soft sultry voice that makes Kelly horny just listing to her.

“No fair you guys always leave me out.” Pouts a should length lady with sky blue hair.

“Now Azura you were ahead of me you could of meet this lady first but you had to stop and look at the butterfly girls play with each other over there.” Emmy says pointing to Kelly’s left.

Just then a lady with Copper like hair pops out of the grass where Emmy is pointing and goes.

“Boo!” Then starts to laugh though no one was startled or amused by her little joke.

“Penny! Will you stop trying to play practical jokes. You never do then right.” Silvia says in her confident yet sexy voice.

“Oh come on you big stick in the mud lighten up a little I hope our new friend here will be able to lighten you mood. By the way who are you?” Penny asks in happy hissing voice.

Kelly pulls her mouth away from Emmy’s fingers slowly and looks from one lady to the other. Each with their snake like eyes staring at her like she was the sexiest person there.

“I”m Kelly nice to meet all of you. I have never meet a naga before let alone so many.”

Suddenly all seven women burst out laughing.

“What is so funny?” Kelly asks as she feels Emmy’s nipples rub up and down her back with every laugh.

“You still have not met any nagas today for we are all a hydra. Several heads one body.” Emmy says a giggle.

“Though in our case it could be safe to say several torsos and one body.” Silvia explains as a large mass lifts up out of the grass several feet away. With its long snake like neck branching off in seven different directions. Kelly realizes that is the lower parts of all seven of these women’s bodies. She wonders how she is going to have sex with all of them and if she is up to it.


Do the hydra sisters gangbang her or take her one at a time?


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