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Breaking the Fourth Wall. | SchlockTheMonkey | 6


She's got a point.

"Okay, how about a werewolf?" you ask as Matt, tired of being ignored, lunges at her.

"The raw meat still has blood in it," she replies as she uses that double-jointed dexterity you gave her to twist out of his grasp.

"Sorceress, then?" you suggest as Matt takes a swing at her.

The blow to her jaw is enough to remind Rachel that she's not in the best negotiating position. Still... "I won't have to worship any weird gods, will I?"

This is what you get for specifying the character's religion right off the bat. "No weird gods," you agree. "No not-weird gods either. But that's your last condition, got it?"

"Got it!" she screams, desperately backing away from Matt's outstretched claws. Now filled with the mystical power you've granted, she causes a piece of wooden trim to fly off one of the older academic buildings and spear Matt in the back. A stunned look on his face, he collapses and crumbles to dust.

"You should have stabbed him in the front," you tell her. "Then you could have kept the jacket."

"I'll put a patch over it," she replies. Thrifty girl.

She leans over to pick up the jacket from the pile of dust and clothes, but suddenly feels dizzy and collapses. Using vulgar magic like that takes a lot out of a sorceress, and she needs to recharge her mystical energies.

"How do I do that?" she asks.

"Lesbian sex, of course," you reply.


"You heard me."

"So it's one of THOSE stories," she says with a sigh.

It's a pretty good deal for her, though. The more sex she has, the more powerful her magic will be. Given that there's apparently a now-masterless harem of vampire brides who may be coming looking for revenge, that could be pretty useful.

"Maybe they'll be grateful that I freed them from Matt's slavery," Rachel suggests hopefully. Of course, either way a penchant for lesbian sex will come in handy.

"I'll at least enjoy the lesbian sex, right?" she asks.

Well, DUH. It's much more fun that way. This being one of THOSE kinds of stories, Rachel has an extremely high sex drive.

"Well, I'd better get recharged, then," she says, now looking forward to the experience. The damaged jacket draped over her arm, she heads off looking for a girl (or two) to seduce.


Where is she going to find pussy at this time of night?


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