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Cartoon robosluts | Zorlond | 12


"Hey!" Her shout yanks your eyes upwards again, straight into mascara-heavy green eyes. You step back under her glare... "How about a li'l privacy?"

"Sorry, I..." you begin.

"Yeah, you are! Perv!" With that she angrily slams the door in your face.

You stand there a moment. "Uh, sorry..." you repeat, more to yourself than to her. You depart from that section of the house, making just enough noise to be sure she knows you're leaving. 'Well, that was a great start,' you think to yourself.

You head back down to the living room and grab the manual again. But you're not really paying attention to it. You're more focused on how to fix the damage done. With a moody girl like Rogue, you didn't expect it to be easy to get close. But in hindsight, having her huge-breasted and unused to it might have stacked the deck against you... Heh, 'stacked'.

You don't see her for most of the day, though you hear her moving around, getting settled in. At least she didn't just storm out the door on you. Eventually, you take a chance and knock on her door. "Hey, Rogue? I've got dinner ready, if you want some. It's down in the kitchen."

You stand there for a bit, and a few seconds later you hear her say, "Alright." You head to the kitchen, doing a little makework to see if she'll join you to actually eat together. Fortunately, she apparently does decide to join you.


How does dinner go?

          Good, all things considered.


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