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Cartoon robosluts | Zorlond | 11


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The days seem to drag on by. Anticipation can be a powerful drug, but it feels a bit more like mild torture in this case. But, as it always does, time passes by, and the day arrives. It's Saturday morning. You're idly reading through the Operator's Manual (though not very thoroughly) when there's a knock on your door. You put the heavy manual down on the coffee table and go answer it.

You open the door to find an image of young beauty. She looks absolutely real, completely human, and exactly like you expected. Heavy boots, thick stockings, miniskirt, gloves, mesh top over tanktop, dog collar, and very dark sunglasses. Her skin is so pale it looks almost prepared to reveal veins. Her brown hair is short, only neck-length, and has it's distinctive white bangs framing her face. And, yes, her tank top is stretched across a pair of truly huge, epic boobs...

"Ahem. Ya'll wanna bring your eyes up here?"

Her words snap you out of a developing hypnotic state. "Sorry," you quickly offer, shaking your head to clear it. "Good day. Can I help you?"

Her full lips, a deep purple in color, pull back in an annoyed smirk. "Yeah, have Ah got the right adress?" You manage to regain your composure quickly as the two of you go through the motions of confirming that yes, she's at the right house and you are the one she was supposed to meet. "Great. They said you'd be giving me room and board while Ah go to school here?" You nod. "Ah'm Rogue." She offers a handshake and you take it, noting the firm grip she has, as well as a hint of precise care with it. "So, can Ah come in? Sun's kinda' brutal out here."

"Sure. Lemme just help you with that..." You smoothly pick up her suitcase to carry inside. She also has a backpack which she hangs onto. "Welcome to your new home, I guess." You're actually partway through the guided tour when you realize you'd left the Operator's Manual right there in the open. It's hard to miss, especially since it has Rogue's face right on it... But then you recall one of the early notes in it, that the robots are programmed to completely ignore the existance of their manuals, unless you specifically bring it to their attention (along with some hazy warnings as to why that'd be a bad idea, you kinda recall). You remind yourself to get it out of sight later, though. Rogue's attention seems to slide right over the manual without registering it.

Eventually your tour comes to the spare bedroom, which you give to her to maintain appearances. Setting the suitcase down, you leave her to settle in to her new home... while getting one last look at those wonderfull breasts without her noticing. She also seems to have not noticed that her tank top's having trouble fully covering her chest, stretching forward so much that it threatens to reveal more...


So, now what?

          She catches you looking.


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