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Avatar: The Other Stories | Glados | 8


Your training in the Fire Nation's schools snaps in, and you salute.
"Indeed, Captain. The Fire Lord has sent me to these colonies to see and make sure that everything is going well, and to convey his will to his loyal soldiers."

Seth's face is contorted by betrayal, and he steps back away from you. You ignore him, this opportunity is too good to pass up. The captain looks at you.

"Good. Does he have specific orders for us?"

You smile deviously. You happen to have a map of the Earth Kingdom that you stole back home, and you have circled certain towns, including this one, as well as placing a large X on Ba Sing Se, for reference on interesting places. You can use that. Pulling out the map, you point at the towns, one at a time, before jabbing your finger into the village you were in. "The Fire Lord is planning an new combat initiative. He wants the complete garrisons of the circled villages to leave, and march in a frontal assault on the walls of Ba Sing Se. The forces will attack from every direction,a s a distraction, and, once the walls are fully engaged, he will deploy our newest super-weapon against it, the Grand Drill."

The captain frowns. "But my orders are to stay here and guard this town, otherwise the villagers will rebel."

You glare at him. "Alright, if you want to disobey the Fire Lord's orders, go ahead. I will tell him you decided that your judgement supersedes his. It will be amusing to see you in chains along side the Earth King for cowardice and betrayal."

He pales considerably, and shakes his head. "No, no, that won't be necessary. My men and I will leave immediately. I assume you will stay behind to stabilize the situation and then move onto your next target?"

You nod, curtly, and he races off. You and Seth watch as the Fire Nation soldiers congregate in the central town plaza, and then march off in straight columns, leaving the town in the direction of Ba Sing Se.

Seth rounds on you. "You Fire Nation bitch! You're helping those bastards take over the Earth kingdom!"

You shake your head, and calmly reply. "No. I am sending those men to their death. There is no attack force on Ba Sing Se, there is no super weapon, and I am not Jaisha Jin. I am a former firebender who decided to switch sides upon seeing the atrocities committed by my people."

Seth is starting to believe you, so you continue. "And not to mention, I just freed your village without one single casualty and no loss of property. You shouldn't be angry, you should be happy."

He finally seems to get what you are saying, and drops to both knees. "Thank you so much, you have saved us from the Fire Nation's grasp. We can't possibly repay you."

You grab him by the hand, and pull him to his feet. "No need to repay me, it was my pleasure. Now, why don't you announce the good news to the villagers, so that we can have ourselves a party in celebration?"


Does something interrupt the planned festivities?


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