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The Vault | Zorlond | 3


My face was impassive when she turned around again. Not that I was grinning in the first place. Even with what she just told me, what with everything else, I was a little numb right then. Though my curiosity was satisfied as to why I hadn't seen any other men around. When it became clear that I wasn't in need of a good slapping, the Overseer leaned against the wall at the window, arms folded. "So, do you understand the situation you're in now, Mr. ?"

I nodded. “I'm the only man among a very lot of women. Socially, an untenable position, even though many men would be envious of me.”

One of her eyebrows rose. “Surprisingly astute. I take it, then, that you aren't about to try to lord over all of us?”

I shook my head. “It's not my way. Momma brought me up to respect women.”

“That's good to hear,” the Overseer said. “If I hear otherwise...”

I finish the thought for her. “I am severely outnumbered, you would have zero trouble overpowering me if I decided to be trouble.”

“Indeed.” Her tone said she was considering it right then and there.

“It would be better for all of us if that was not the case,” I added. “I would be civil even without the threat of force. And it would be in everyone's best interest for civility to be held by all. We don't need more shocks.”

The Overseer stepped away from the wall, pacing across the room. “And yet, there's only you.”

I consider this. “Have you made it general knowledge?”


“Then everyone else probably hasn't noticed.” I consider this for a bit. “They inevitably will. But they have bigger things on their mind.” A thought occurred to me. "I take it we couldn't open the Vault Door up even if we wanted to?"

"No," she answered. "Nobody can open that door for eighty years. It's designed to keep itself locked, no matter what anyone wants, until then. I can't even imagine what it would take to force open a door designed to withstand a direct nuclear strike. And there's two of them, remember."

I nodded. Nobody was getting in or out. "And the plan is to eventually reclaim the planet, right?" The Overseer nodded. "So, unless the plan includes doing so with just a handful of senior citizens..." I left that hanging.

The Overseer just looked at me for a bit. Then she spoke, in heavily serious tone. "Keep in mind, Mr. , we are in a very delicate situation. People are stressed and traumatized. I will not dictate what you do with your time, as long as you do your assigned job, (and you will be assigned a job) your business is your own. But if I hear of one incident, one scene, one bit of trouble, I will not hesitate to have security take you forcibly into custody and lock you up."

"Hold on," I raised a hand. "First off, I agree. We're in too delicate a position for any kind of social problems. And I absolutely do not want to cause any. But we have to face facts: the old social model can't work here. I'm only one man. A society using the tight, nuclear family model can't work with only one man."

"So what do you propose, a harem?" She stopped and glared at me, her words are heavy with sarcasm.

I sigh. "Just think it over. People are stressed, you and I included. Nobody's going to be in the mood for a good while. We don't need a fast answer. I'll do what I can to avoid any trouble. But for this Vault to work, we may have to make changes to our society."

We stayed there for a while, not speaking. Until she stepped back behind her desk to sit and said, "Alright, we know what the situation is, we'll work out an answer later. I want no trouble until then. You can go. Stop at my secretary for your assigned job on your way out."

I nodded respectfully and stood. "Yes, ma'am." With that done, I left the office. I stopped briefly by her secretary to get my work orders ('General Maintenance Technician', yay), then the officer who had brought me up there escorted me right back. I didn't think it was strictly necessary, but whatever.

When we got back to my rooms, however, she set a hand gently on my shoulder. As I turned to look at her, she took her hand back and said, "Um, I, uh... My name's Sandra... I happen to know of a cache of liquor down here... I think a lot of us could use a few drinks right about now. Maybe we could share a bottle sometime..?" Nervously, she raised a hand to slip some loose strands of her brown hair back behind her ear.


What's my answer?



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