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Clash of the teen titans | Zorlond | 18


As you enter the containment area, you fight the urge to glance behind you. Just going back so soon would have looked suspicious, you don't want to make it any worse trying to see anyone who probably has more than enough ability to remain undetected. But you do lock the door as it shuts behind you. At the very least, it should give you a few seconds' notice before another Titan gets it open. Door secure, you turn to face Jinx's cell.

She's already on her feet, discarded bedsheet settling on the floor behind her. Her face is lit up with a soft smile, needy eyes on your every move. "I almost thought you weren't coming back..." Her words are a small whisper.

You walk up to her cell, close but standing well clear of the containment field. She won't catch you the same way twice. "I say I'll do something, I do it." Your tone is deep and serious. "How about you? Do you do what you say?"

With only the briefest of pauses, Jinx raises her hands to place them on the field. "I swear, I'd do anything to be with you. Betray other villains, be a meek little servant, or a total sex slave... Or even all at once. I'll even kill for you. Just name your price..." Her gaze is unwavering, and her breathing steady. She means it.

You don't answer her. Choosing your words carefully, you ask another question. "How much do you know about heroes?"

Frowning slightly, Jinx thinks before answering. "I know they love to stop crimes. Always getting in the way, saving the day, and locking up the bad guy."


Jinx squints one eye, dropping her hands to her side as she looks at you incredulously. "What are you talking about? I offer myself up on a silver platter..."

You raise a halting hand briefly. "Humor me, please. Why?"

Sighing, Jinx apparently decides internally that this is just part of whatever crazy price you have in mind. "It's what they do. They just can't seem to stop themselves from messing up evil plans. Villain runs amok, hero rushes in and stops it."

Sensing where this line of thought was going, you turn it around. "Alright. Then why do villains do what they do?"

This makes her pause and think for a while. "Lots of reasons, I guess," Jinx shrugs. "Some go for the old 'take over the world' routine, usually because they can't stand anyone else being in charge. Some just want stuff. Seems like everybody wants lots of things, so why not just take it? Which also works if you happen to be broke. Some do things just for the hell of it. Why deny yourself any of the little pleasures of life?" Smiling seductively, she pointedly lays a hand on her cheek, letting it slide slowly down her face and neck, until her fingertips are running lightly across one covered breast...

Reminding yourself to remain cool, your eyes snap back up to hers. "That's three. Any others spring to mind?"

Jinx frowns slightly again. "Well, there are monsters like Plasmus. They just do things. I don't think 'why' ever comes into it. Then there are a few real sickos out there. Frankly, I think most of them are too nuts to explain any reason why, not in any way we'd understand."

"So, shall we say that the reasons villains act the way they do are almost as varied as villains themselves?"

"Yeah, I guess. Where are you going with this?"

You shrug. "It just seems to me that you don't really know anything about heroes. You gave one over-all reason for being a hero, that it's what they do. Almost identical to a monster. They do what they do, and 'why' doesn't come into it. Is that what you really think of us?"

Jinx visibly winces. "No, that isn't it! I didn't mean..." Her hands come up against the barrier again in her desperation to stop your line of thought.

"I know. Trust me, I think it's just that you don't know heroes that well, not that you think we're monsters. It's ok." You step a little closer, looking deep into her eyes, voice lowering. "But I wonder... Where do you fit in? Why do you do what you do?"

Her eyes stay on yours, as you sense her turning the question over in her mind. "I... didn't have a lot of choice... I'm bad luck. And a lot of that just keeps coming back to me. I told you I've had terrible luck with boyfriends..." She seems to wait for you to add something, but you don't. Eventually, she continues. "I guess I just got sick of trying to buck the odds. Everything's going to go wrong sooner or later, why not just do whatever you want and enjoy it?"


So, what's your response?

          The price: Be a hero.


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