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The Shining Stone (fixed) | WaterMage | 9


You decide to stroll down to the see. Although there are rumours of pirates and slavers, the coast seems quiet, and it will be a pleasant change from what you have endured so far.

Your day’s journey is peaceful. After you stop and make camp, you decide to go fishing. You discard your dress, and splash around naked in the water. Although you don’t catch anything, it’s a pleasant evening. It reminds you of playing in the river as a child, long before any of this tragedy. With a smile, you think of the last time you did it, in your adolescence, before your mother scolded you and told you to stop. You had pretended not to know why she was so upset. In fact, you’d known at the time that the bushes on the river bank were full of boys your age, hoping to catch a glimpse of your budding figure.

Your reverie is broken by a giggle. At first, you check the shore, wondering if some observer is unconsciously re-enacting the memory. You cover your breasts with one arm and put a hand over your blond pussy, aware as you do it that it’s a futile gesture. But as you hear it again, you realise it’s coming from out to sea.

You turn, and see a woman. While the water level is at your knees, she is further out, up to her waist in it. She is beautiful, with red hair, and unlike you she seems happy to expose her magnificent tits. She smiles, and beckons to you. Her expression is one of lust, and looking at her, you can’t help but share the feeling.

You take a step towards her, then stop. You can see something moving oddly under the nearly opaque water beneath her, something far darker than her pale legs should be. You remember stories from your childhood of mermaids, beautiful women who had the lower halves of fishes instead of legs. There are many tales of men having passionate affairs with them, sometimes great romances and sometimes lustful romps. But there are also stories of them using they bodies to lure horny sailors into their arms and drowning them.

Off hand, you can’t remember any stories involving mermaids and human women.


Do you wade out to her?



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