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The Shining Stone (fixed) | WaterMage | 8


The restraint has been taking almost as much of a toll on you as it has on her. Having this unnaturally sensuous beauty writhing under your hands and not taking full advantage of her has been agonising. Your cock is harder than you can remember it ever being.

As soon as you’re sure your control is complete, you resolve to relieve the tension. With a roar of lust, you grab her and push her against the wall, pressing her breasts into the cold stone as you ram your cock roughly into her vice-tight ass. This is nothing like the delicate, restrained pleasuring you gave her earlier. You slam into her, making her shriek passionately each time. From the desperate way she bounces her buttocks up and down, her tail wrapping round your hips, she is as eager for this as you.

A moment before you pour sperm into her bowels with a loud grunt, she screams, convulsing in orgasm. As you stagger back to sit on the bed, you realise the true source of her torment over the last day: while she is eager to taste your life through your cum, what truly is anathema to her is the very restraint you’ve shown while fucking her. This is opposed enough to her nature as a creature of lust that, despite the pleasure you were giving her, she hadn’t been able to cum. No wonder she broke.

You are far from sated. As she sides dangerously into a sitting position, cum dribbling from between her buttocks, you grab her and throw her on the bed. You climb on top of her and start to fuck her cunt, pumping in and out more slowly but still moving hard enough to make her breasts bounce, and with the same callous disregard for her pleasure that seems to make her as horny as your careful attention did. She cums twice, screaming out in the infernal language, before you shoot your load into her. Finally exhausted, you collapse on top of her, your head resting on her soft, heaving breasts as you almost instantly fall asleep.


When you awake to the morning light, your first thought is panic about what Anja may have done while you were unconscious. But she doesn’t seem to have harmed you. Nor has she taken the opportunity to flee. Instead, she’s leaning against the wall, watching you sleep with her odd green eyes. Her pupils are slitted. You wonder if being bound to you stops her running away or – you allow yourself a moment of vanity – she actually enjoys your cock enough to stay.

“What do you wish now, master?” Her words are obviously an invitation, but despite her gorgeous expanse of pale, naked skin, now clean of cum (you discover later that she licks it away like a cat) is indeed tempting, you know you have wasted too much time here. You consider banishing her but, dangerous as she is, she may well be useful on your quest.

“You will follow me and serve and obey me.” Realising the risks of her exploiting loopholes in your orders, you wrack your brains for ideal commands. “You will not drain life or soul from me or anyone else without my orders. You will stay with me unless ordered otherwise. And, uh, you should wear a more inconspicuous form.”

“Yes, master,” she says, her submissive yet sensuous tone sending shivers through you. She returns to the human form she greeted you in. She is fully clothed, but seeing her breasts straining against her corset, you scarcely feel it’s less noticeable. Still, you can imagine that she may make many situations easier.

“Where are we going?” she asks, and you lay out your map and consider it.

“I want to get to the druids.” You don’t want to tell this infernal creature more about your mission, even if she’s supposed to serve you. But she doesn’t ask why.

“Hmm… You could go north-east to Elohin, the elven city. It’s been a long time since I fucked an elf. They are a beautiful race, but callous, and inclined to slavery. And many of their women might desire to own a fine specimen like you, master. Or you could. Or due east through the mountains. A mysterious place, but I know some of the creatures there. Or through the marshes to the south-east, the Mire Flats. A stealthier route, but some of the creatures there are quite fierce, and if they capture travellers they will rape them for days, if not weeks.” She smiles, as if of a fond memory.


Which path do you take?

          Travel south east through the Mire Flats

          Travel with Anja north east to Elohin

          Travel with Anja due east through the barren mountains


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