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The Shining Stone (fixed) | WaterMage | 12


The elven bodyguard hands the half-orcs a purse of coin from a large bag he is carrying, and, as they prepare to leave, hides the box of potions in its place.

"Now, to deal with you," the elven lady says, holding out a hand to her guard. He gives her a jewelled collar. She leans foreword and clips it in place round your neck. The feel of her hands and the cold metal and leather on your skin makes you shiver as it clicks shut and locks, and you realise you find your helplessness arousing.

"Back home, I think," she muses, attaching a silken lead to the collar.

"What about my possessions?" you ask.

A hard slap to the face makes you dizzy. "You do not speak unless spoken to. And when you do, you call me 'mistress'. As for your possessions, you may not own anything, although if you are good you may be allowed to keep certain toys."

She reaches down to pick up your back-pack where the half-orcs had thrown it, and looks through it. "Oh, dear, you won't need these. Weapons... supplies... travellers gear... trinkets..."

She says the last as she fishes the Shinning Stone out of the bag, and prepares to toss it aside.

"No! ...Mistress," you add hurriedly as she raises a hand for another slap. "Please, that is very precious to me. May I keep it?"

"Very well. But if you drop it, we will not stop to pick it up."

You wonder what she means as you reach out for it. She shakes her head. "No, a slave travels with her hands clasped behind her, unless otherwise ordered."

Confused, you obey. Then, to your shock, she reaches between your legs and slides the stone between your pussy lips. It feels hard and cold in your snatch, but you recover your wits in time to tense your muscles enough to hold it in place.

"Now, we will go."

Naively, you had assumed she would at least give you a cloak. It becomes clear that that is not her intention as steps into the sunny street and pulls you after her. Immediately a silence falls over the busy crowd, and you blush as they turn to gaze at you. Your new mistress coolly ignores them, and carries on walking with you behind her.

The journey seems to last forever, crossing most of the city. It is awkward walking while holding the stone in place, and you are painfully aware that half-orc cum is still dribbling out of your ass, drying on the backs of your thighs in the warm day. You are can feel hundreds of lustful eyes ogling your body, each no doubt imagining what he or she would like to do to you, and something about being paraded in front of them is deeply arousing. Your pussy moistens, making it even harder to keep the stone from slipping out. It may be your imagination, but the more your juices flow around the stone the hotter it seems to get, noticeable even in your warm cunt.

Finally, you stop in front of an imposing elven mansion.


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