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The Shining Stone (fixed) | WaterMage | 9


You creep back towards the gates, one hand clutching the bag that contains your possessions, the other held against your bare breasts in a futile attempt at modesty. Going in like this is clearly not an option, and your first thought is to look around for clothes, but you spot something better.

A wagon, piled high with hay, sits on the road, unattended as its two ugly half-orc drivers argue with the gate guards. It is a simple matter to sneak up and bury yourself deep in the hay pile, invisible.

You have barely hidden yourself when the wagon starts moving again. Its jolting motion sets the hay moving against your bare skin, an odd sensation (although, you note as you indulge in a nostalgic memory of home, it's not the first time you've been naked in a hay stack). You wriggle round, trying to get comfortable, and press your face against a gap in the wagon's sides, allowing you to peer out. As you do so, your movement drives your soft buttocks against the sharp corner of a wooden box, hidden amongst the hay like you.

For a moment you wonder what it can be, but the thought is driven out of your mind by the breath-taking sight that is the city of Elohin. As the first city you have ever seen, it would have been impressive anyway, but the glorious elven architecture and the sight of the beautiful elven lords and ladies going about their business makes you gasp in wonder, a sound you stifle as you remember your situation.

As the wagon rolls on, you begin to think about when it would be best to make your escape. At the moment you are passing through busy streets, where a naked blond bursting from a wagon would cause comment, so you eavesdrop on the drivers to try to work out where you're going.

"-can't wait to get back to the Palace o' Infinite Pleasures. They've got this one girl there, a half elf - so tight you'd think she's a virgin, 'cept for the dirty things that come outa her mouth."

"I got better things she can do with her mouth," the other says, and they both laugh. "Maybe when we drop off this delivery to Ma'am, we can use the pay to take a trip there."

"Or maybe Ma'am will give us another of her special 'bonuses'. I wouldn't mind another crack at one of those hot-assed slaves of hers."

The tone of their raucous laughter makes you worry about what'll happen if they catch you. But when they make this 'delivery' of there’s may be the best time to escape.


Where are they delivering to?

          An abandoned warehouse


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