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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 6


Looking around in the darkness of the forest, your eyes finally starting to adjust to what little light is peaking through the trees your right hand rubs the sweat from your top lip and chin and suddenly everything that has happened to you comes crashing down on you all at once. You are somehow positive you must have died and been taken here and put into this body once the previous soul had departed. That much seems certain. The why seems to be the only thing missing. Whoever you are now, as you realize you don’t even know this bodies name, was obviously an assassin of considerable skill, and you don’t think you could possibly ever become her. Perhaps that is the point, you ponder. “At least I am alive.” You say to the night, spreading your arms wide and turning a slow circle, content to simply feel the wind brush over your body. Then a smile comes to your face suddenly, “And I am a badass bitch.” You can’t possibly help but laugh at the implication. “Hwaa.” Suddenly you can’t resist doing your best martial arts moves in the air, it then flows into a series of hands free flips, spinning kicks, before you finally run up a tree like some crazy kung-fu action star, as you grab the lowest branch and pull yourself into the tree you sit there laughing, smiling and kicking your feet. Looking down you find yourself 15’ off the ground, “Oh hell ya.” You state still grinning. Finding a good place to sit where you know you won’t fall and have a good thick branch to work on, you then set about loading your guns. It takes a few moments as you look over the tiny percussion caps, lead conical bullets wrapped in tiny patches of silk, and powder horn with it’s long brass nozzle, to grasp just what you are supposed to do. But as you fiddle with the firearm, either the skill is somehow transferred to you or all those westerns you have watched taught you by osmosis, but by the second pistol you are loading quickly like you have done it a thousand times before. Slipping each gun into it’s holster, and pulling the little straps around them that hold them in place so they don’t fall out, yet easy enough to pull free, you settle in to finish your sleep.

Some hours later you wake up refreshed but hungry. Your next move is to spend a few minutes playing with your tits, even daring to slip your finger, only up to the first knuckle, in your pussy causing you to catch your breath. You decide at that moment that it is time to invent the bikini. Taking care with your deft fingers you pull threads out of your tattered cloak, you attempt to cut out two triangles, that seem to get smaller and smaller as you try to make them even, but eventually you are able to poke holes in the cloth with your throwing knives and tie it all together. Not sure of a better way to put it on you slip it on and tie it together between your perky breasts. It is quite small, looks kinda like shit, but it finally offers you at least the slightest bit of modesty.

That settled you drop from the tree and like a cat land without even the slightest hint of pain. With one final look around you make their decision, “Fuck it, I am going back to tell everyone who really killed this Prince Desmond dude.” After about a dozen steps back toward town something else hits you. “Wait, I killed him. He told me to, but I did it. If I go back they are going to kill me.” Skidding to a stop you realize the only way you are going to make him pay for his crime is to put a bullet in him yourself. It takes a little while to mull this over before you start jogging once again. As you get to town you see three guards watching the south side of the town. Circling around you realize the town is actually quite large and divided into four wards by large stone walls. The northern most is more of a castle and is completely walled. The west is basically the shipyards and doesn’t seem to have much else before you hit the dividing wall. The east meets up against this wall as well as the north, and might even be the oldest part of the city, as the buildings seem to be mostly stone, and there is even a large stone keep at the highest point that may even be the original castle for the city. The south area, where you were before, is mainly wooden buildings and does not have a wall around most of it. There appear to be multiple guards surrounding the south side, you are not sure if they are actually looking for you, but then again, killing a bunch of guards for doing their job doesn’t appeal to you much.


How are you getting in the city?

          Over the wall.


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