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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 3


You have the most bizarre dream. Two creatures, vaguely humanoid are talking about you while you drift slowly in a weightless space full of what look like distant stars. You have no idea what they are saying as it is in a language that you imagine no human being has ever heard, but the fact that you are the subject of their heated discussion there can be no doubt to you, although you can’t say why you would know this. One of the beings you somehow imagine as female even though the creature is only vaguely humanoid and seemingly made up of stacks of long crystals of the deepest blues and blacks. The second similarly built creature is a bit larger and by the tone and quality of it’s speech and build you imagine it to be male. They seem to be holding what looks like a lump of clay or rock that the two of them are busying themselves in sculpting while they discuss you far, or perhaps just, below them as the exact concept of space seems to be lost on you at the moment. Their heated debate continues as they fight over the lump, all the while they in turn tug and pull at the clay causing it to change form till you see it is apparent it is taking on humanoid form itself. They seem to be making some kind of doll or sculpture of some kind, ‘how peculiar,’ is all you think. The female one seems to be in control as she works it, with the male one stating his opinions, and occasionally grabbing the doll for himself. Then apparently finished the female one simply casts it violently to the far corners of wherever you are.

You awaken from your dream as something moist brushes against your chin causing you to jolt awake and recoil from what ever it is. Looking around frantically your eyes straining to focus you are instantly aware of the fact that it is very hot and humid. “Oh my god, what is happening.” Looking at you with a rather quizzical look on his face is a rather large Jaguar. “Um, nice kitty.” Is all you can think of to say as it licks its nose. “Where am I? Wait…” Your voice trails off as you are now distinctly aware that it simply isn’t your voice. It isn’t that it is totally off, it just isn’t yours, your voice is rather high with almost a soothing or musical quality to it. “What is wrong with my voice?” You ask the large cat, your hand jolting to your face as you do.

To your shock it answers you, “I hear nothing wrong, but you do smell funny Djahira.” You are sure of what he is saying despite the fact that the only thing that actually comes out of his mouth is a series of low rumbling growls.

“Wait, what did you call me?”

“Is something wrong Djahira? Do you need me to get you some food?”

You are not sure if it is the rumbling in your belly or just confusion that causes you to answer, “That would be lovely. Thank you.” Causing him to disappear into the thick rainforest you now find yourself in. Alone you take a moment to look around while rising to your feet. Looking all around, then down at yourself your mind tells you this must still be a dream as several things reveal themselves to you. The first being that you are currently stark naked. Looking yourself over you would guess you stand about 5’3” tall, with a very slight build while still seeming to be rather strong. You have a sexy pair of d cup breasts and deep tan skin, with long locks of brown hair cascading down your back. The next thing you notice is that despite the trees overhead blocking the night sky you seem to be able to see almost perfectly, and you are amazed to be able to hear high and low pitched sounds you have never heard anything like before. You find yourself in a clearing in a thick forest standing atop a large simple linen bedroll. At the foot of the bedroll you see a neat pile of what looks like an old fashioned cloth backpack, clothing, and some weapons. Dropping down to your haunches you pick through the items to see what is there. The clothing isn’t exactly conservative but it does seem to be more leather armor than just simple clothes. There is a rigid leather skirt that falls to below your knees on the sides of your body with a triangle cut so the front and back are only about half as long. The top is a rigid leather plate that laces up the front with thick leather thread much like some kind of old corset. There is also a leather plates, or greaves, for your arms and legs that strap tightly to a pair of thigh high leather boots and long gloves. There are also 3 weapons, a 6’ long spear with a wide head, a long bow with a small quiver that looks like it holds only a half dozen arrows but as you look into it the true number seems at least ten times that amount packed impossibly just a bit lower than the rest, and a small brilliant silver curved dagger.

Just then your new friend jaguar hops back into the clearing holding a big fat fish in his jaws. He drops it at your feet just off the blanket, sits down, and proceeds to lick himself clean, which brings a smile to your face almost instantly. Turning back to the fish you can’t help but say, “Ok, I suppose I had better cook that.” To your surprise as you say that an image that seems impossible pops into your head of a series of hand motions that will cause a small campfire to spring into being. Muttering, “Ok.” You give it a try, and as it springs into existence you have to admit, considering everything else, you really aren’t that surprised. After gathering some choice sticks you soon have a yummy looking fish cooking on a spit as if you had done this a thousand times before. Then just as you pull it off and take your first bite, your see your friends ears perk up, and are suddenly aware of the sound of large footsteps that seem very close causing you to curse not taking the time to get dressed. After a brief panic you realize with your amazing hearing you would guess the distance more like a football field or so.


Take time to dress or grab your things and run?


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