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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 3


You have the most bizarre dream. Two creatures, vaguely humanoid are talking about you while you drift slowly in a weightless space full of what look like distant stars. You have no idea what they are saying as it is in a language that you imagine no human being has ever heard, but the fact that you are the subject of their heated discussion there can be no doubt to you, although you can’t say why you would know this. One of the beings you somehow imagine as female even though the creature is only vaguely humanoid and seemingly made up of stacks of long crystals of the deepest blues and blacks. The second similarly built creature is a bit larger and by the tone and quality of it’s speech and build you imagine it to be male. They seem to be holding what looks like a lump of clay or rock that the two of them are busying themselves in sculpting while they discuss you far, or perhaps just, below them as the exact concept of space seems to be lost on you at the moment. Their heated debate continues as they fight over the lump, all the while they in turn tug and pull at the clay causing it to change form till you see it is apparent it is taking on humanoid form itself. They seem to be making some kind of doll or sculpture of some kind, ‘how peculiar,’ is all you think. While the male form seems to be doing most of the work the female one does seem to get him to concede to some of her suggestions. After some time the male form seizes the doll from the female one makes a few final changes and casts it violently to the far corners of wherever you are.

You awaken from your dream sitting up suddenly just barely refraining from screaming as you do. Looking around frantically your eyes straining to focus you are instantly aware of the fact that it is quite cold. “What the hell isn’t my furnace…” Your voice trails off as you are now distinctly aware that it simply isn’t your voice. The voice coming from your mouth is just not quite right, the tone is off just a bit, it is smooth and even with almost a musical quality to it, “What is wrong with my voice? I la la la la laaa, wow I sound good, weird.” Rubbing the sand from your eyes you are then aware of a couple more things, the first being that you are stark naked, the second that your hands are now slender and smooth almost feeling a bit feminine. Rising to your feet suddenly confused and afraid you look down across your form and see you are now apparently not really yourself anymore. You would guess you now stand about 5’8” tall, and while you wouldn’t say you look strong exactly, more like the build of a runner, long and lean yet also somewhat feminine, with the tight ass and long legs of a dancer, washboard abs, and while you don't have breasts, your nipples are much more like a girls. Your skin is apparently very pale with the slightest hint of almost unnatural pinkish red, yet you do almost seem to have a tan, as in some areas where the sun hits often is where the reddish tint is most visible, while in others where the sun rarely hits it is almost white. The whole effect is a bit unnatural yet seeming both beautiful and handsome at the same time. Touching the top of your head you find you have a short spiky mop like some punk rocker. Looking around for something to catch your reflection you are not really surprised to see it is deep red, straight out of some video game. Your cock is now around 8” long and hangs perfectly straight, as you look over yourself your mind tells you that some how the doll in the dream must be you as your body seems to be one of near perfection. No, not perfection, more like an artists view of a person. “Is this heaven? No. I remember dying I think. So I take it this would be reincarnation of some kind then? But where am I?” You ask the air, part of you thinking you might get a response, but none comes.

Right about then you finally start to pay attention to your surroundings. The first thing you notice is that you are standing on white marble floors in what appears to be a large communal bath. Looking around the room you see it is roughly 20' around and dominated by 4 large round pools of water. All of them are apparently heated as the room is rather hazy. There are several braziers of hot coals that light the room with an almost eerie glow. Taking a moment you look for anything interesting and find a couple of things. First there is the small towel that was under you when you awoke. Lying next to it is a rather feminine looking red and pink robe with gold embroidery in the form of a dragon down the back. Last you see a glimmering silver bladed dagger, the hilt is a finely crafted weave of silver and gold with a golden dragon head in the pommel set with ruby eyes, the guard between blade and handle is a simple yet shimmering polished gold with tiny claws gripping perfectly spherical ruby orbs. As you reach down and pick it up you are astonished that it seems to be nearly weightless. Then suddenly there is a flash and you collapse to your knees as a vision floods your mind.


What do you see?

          Something you don't understand.


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