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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 3


You have the most bizarre dream. Two creatures, vaguely humanoid are talking about you while you drift slowly in a weightless space full of what look like distant stars. You have no idea what they are saying as it is in a language that you imagine no human being has ever heard, but the fact that you are the subject of their heated discussion there can be no doubt to you, although you can’t say why you would know this. One of the beings you somehow imagine as female even though the creature is only vaguely humanoid and seemingly made up of stacks of long crystals of the deepest blues and blacks. The second similarly built creature is a bit larger and by the tone and quality of it’s speech and build you imagine it to be male. They seem to be holding what looks like a lump of clay or rock that the two of them are busying themselves in sculpting while they discuss you far, or perhaps just, below them as the exact concept of space seems to be lost on you at the moment. Their heated debate continues as they fight over the lump, all the while they in turn tug and pull at the clay causing it to change form till you see it is apparent it is taking on humanoid form itself. They seem to be making some kind of doll or sculpture of some kind, ‘how peculiar,’ is all you think. While the male form seems to be doing most of the work the female one does seem to get him to concede to some of her suggestions. After some time the male form seizes the doll from the female one makes a few final changes and casts it violently to the far corners of wherever you are.

You awaken from your dream jolting upright in shock. Looking around frantically your eyes straining to focus you are instantly aware of the fact that it is quite cold. “What the hell isn’t my furnace…” Your voice trails off as you are now distinctly aware that it simply isn’t your voice. The voice coming from your mouth is now has a deep full tone that while basically normal, it simply isn’t your voice. “What is wrong with my voice?” Blinking a few more times and climbing to your feet you can’t help but feel a bit confused by your surrounds, let alone the fact that looking down you don’t see your body. You find yourself in a stone walled room with a rather large bed with mosquito netting tied back to the bedposts and quite a few large thick blankets covering it. It is difficult to see as the only light is what is peeking in through the cracks in the shudders covering the two large rectangular windows. Fumbling in the dark you are able to find a very old style oil lamp and what looks like a piece of flint and steel that somehow you are able to figure out how to get lit rather easily. As the little cup inside of the lamp springs to life the light reveals several things. First you appear to be in a modestly furnished room of some massive stone building you almost think might be some kind of medieval castle. Next you are either dreaming or going insane as revealed by a large mirror on the wall you now appear to be just over 6’ tall and with the strong toned body of a world class athlete. Your hair is dark and rather short and neat but not quite a military cut, your facial hair is barely visible as if you hadn’t shaved in a couple of days. Looking all over your naked form you can also see several cuts and scars leading you to believe you were some kind of soldier, but none of the injuries seem to be too deadly. Standing there naked you can’t help but pay a bit of attention to your 9” or so cock. Looking back to your surroundings you see a full suit of armor consisting of a breast and back plate, steel leg and arm greaves, that are all connected together by a suit of mail. Picking it up you are surprised at just how strong you are as it is clearly heavy yet you are able to hoist it quite easily. Next to the armor on a chair is a simple pair of brown linen breeches and a white linen light tunic, obviously to be worn under the armor. There is also a pair of plate gloves and heavy leather boots covered in metal plates as well. Propped against the chair is a large vaguely triangular steel reinforced wooden shield with a blue background and rampant wyvern stylized on the face. Finally on the end table under the mirror is a heavy leather belt with attached scabbard, gripping the white capped handle you draw out a long thick bladed medieval sword that is just under 4’ in length with a sharp thrusting point. In addition to this you also see what looks almost like a frame quiver that holds a trio of barbed javelins and a thick powerful looking 9” double bladed dagger. Not content to simply wonder around naked you quickly put on the breeches and tunic. Just as you finish the door to your room opens.


Who walks in?


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