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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 3


You have the most bizarre dream. Two creatures, vaguely humanoid are talking about you while you drift slowly in a weightless space full of what look like distant stars. You have no idea what they are saying as it is in a language that you imagine no human being has ever heard, but the fact that you are the subject of their heated discussion there can be no doubt to you, although you can’t say why you would know this. One of the beings you somehow imagine as female even though the creature is only vaguely humanoid and seemingly made up of stacks of long crystals of the deepest blues and blacks. The second similarly built creature is a bit larger and by the tone and quality of it’s speech and build you imagine it to be male. They seem to be holding what looks like a lump of clay or rock that the two of them are busying themselves in sculpting while they discuss you far, or perhaps just, below them as the exact concept of space seems to be lost on you at the moment. Their heated debate continues as they fight over the lump, all the while they in turn tug and pull at the clay causing it to change form till you see it is apparent it is taking on humanoid form itself. They seem to be making some kind of doll or sculpture of some kind, ‘how peculiar,’ is all you think. The female one seems to be in control as she works it, with the male one stating his opinions, and occasionally grabbing the doll for himself. Then apparently finished the female one simply casts it violently to the far corners of wherever you are.

You awaken from your dream sitting up suddenly just barely refraining from screaming as you do. Looking around frantically your eyes straining to focus you are instantly aware of the fact that it is quite cold. “What the hell isn’t my furnace…” Your voice trails off as you are now distinctly aware that it simply isn’t your voice. The voice coming from your mouth is now very feminine. “What is wrong with my voice?” Rubbing the sand from your eyes you are then aware of a couple more things, the first being that you are stark naked, the second that your hands are now those of a slender female. Rising to your feet in a state of near panic you are not sure what surprises you more, that you are around 5’7” tall, and seem to be rather muscular and rather thin, and as you look down across a pair of sexy b cup perky breasts, with very perky almost long nipples complete with little barbell studs, across tight nicely tanned abs, and yes another piercing this one a hoop in your navel, you see a cute little neatly groomed pussy with a pierced clit. You can’t resist the urge and give the little ring that pierces your clit a little flick sending a little shockwave up your torso. Looking around the rather odd looking room you find yourself in, you are now quite sure that you are not only not in your comfy bed, but not even yourself anymore. “I am still dreaming right?” You ask the large lump of a candle with a rather wide wick that is dimly illuminating the unpainted room you are in but of course it does not answer. With a few blinks your eyes grow accustomed to the dim lighting and you try to take in your surroundings.

While you are naked, you do see a neat pile of clothing and armor on a desk, and a second pile of well organized weapons. You appear to be in a hotel room in one of those fantasy suites that have gone all out. The bed is a wood frame with a pile of furs lying on it. There is a stout wooden door leading out, and a hole in the wall you guess is supposed to be a window with a small door that opens out and up that is currently closed. The only furnishings in the room beyond the bed are a small low table with a large jug of water and a bowl, plus a pot in the corner. Your attention next turns to the weapons on the table, you see a somewhat thick bladed sword you would guess is about 2’ long you believe is called a gladius, four small thin throwing daggers, and another pair of weapons that almost seem a bit out of place with the others, matching black handled early civil war guns, that if you remember your old west movies right, seem to be cap and ball black powder revolvers. “Where the hell am I? What is going on?” You say aloud as if someone was there that might answer, nothing. Not seeing any other options, and not wanting to believe you have simply gone completely insane, you decide to focus on what you can do. Turning your attention to the rather small pile of clothes you see it is a suit of armor out of some silly video game. That said while it is going to leave you looking like a slut it is better than walking around nude. It begins with a tiny black g string that just barely covers your pussy. Next you put on a thin leather belt with a 8” or so triangle of dull silver metal scales hanging in front and back that covers your naughty bits and you suppose might stop a direct hit of an arrow or something. Third you pull on a pair of brown leather knee high boots that are incredibly soft and don’t seem to have a sole of any kind so they are almost more like leather socks than boots, that said they are extremely comfortable. Next on the pile is a pair of crisscrossing wide leather belts that sit low on your hips with holsters for your pistols as well as pockets for your ammo balls, you count 50 total, and full powder flask. The last items in the pile that you pull on are a pair of leather gloves that stop just below the elbows and have plates on them on the backs of the hands and rising up the arms for protection of the same metal as the scales. “So what I am supposed to walk around with my tits hanging out?” You call to the air, still sort of convinced this is some kind of a dream and start looking around to see if you missed something, while putting your weapons in their respective holsters. The knives tuck neatly into the tops of your boots, 2 in each, the guns obviously in the holsters, and the sword hangs a basically straight down on your right hip behind the gun. Finally, draped over the back of the bed you find something you didn’t see earlier, a black hooded cloak as you lift it you finally see your top, what little of it there is. Lying on the floor hidden by the cloak you find a small shirt that was made of the same scales as the bottom that looks like it was shredded by some kind of wild animal. “Ok, so it’s tits hanging out then.” You say with a little laugh. But as you pull on the cloak and hook it in place with the pair of heavy hooks right at you collarbone, you figure it will cover you pretty good till you can find a new top. As you finish you also find a small pouch that has a pair of clasps that you realize hook on the inside belt to be a bit less noticeable, and harder to steal. Peaking inside you see it contains 50 gold coins about the size of a dime as well as 5 small amethysts.

Just as you finish getting everything together there is a nock at the door. After a brief panic you look at the door and ask, “Who is it?”


Who's there?

          A small messenger.


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