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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 3


You have the most bizarre dream. Two creatures, vaguely humanoid are talking about you while you drift slowly in a weightless space full of what look like distant stars. You have no idea what they are saying as it is in a language that you imagine no human being has ever heard, but the fact that you are the subject of their heated discussion there can be no doubt to you, although you can’t say why you would know this. One of the beings you somehow imagine as female even though the creature is only vaguely humanoid and seemingly made up of stacks of long crystals of the deepest blues and blacks. The second similarly built creature is a bit larger and by the tone and quality of it’s speech and build you imagine it to be male. They seem to be holding what looks like a lump of clay or rock that the two of them are busying themselves in sculpting while they discuss you far, or perhaps just, below them as the exact concept of space seems to be lost on you at the moment. Their heated debate continues as they fight over the lump, all the while they in turn tug and pull at the clay causing it to change form till you see it is apparent it is taking on humanoid form itself. They seem to be making some kind of doll or sculpture of some kind, ‘how peculiar,’ is all you think. The female one seems to be in control as she works it, with the male one stating his opinions, and occasionally grabbing the doll for himself. Then to the obvious surprise of the female one, the male lurches forward, seizes the doll from the female, makes one last twist to the doll, and casts it violently to the far corners of wherever you are.

You awaken from your dream sitting up suddenly just barely refraining from screaming as you do. Looking around frantically your eyes straining to focus you are instantly aware of the fact that it is quite cold. “What the hell isn’t my furnace…” Your voice trails off as you are now distinctly aware that it simply isn’t your voice. The voice coming from your mouth is now very feminine. “What is wrong with my voice?” Rubbing the sand from your eyes you are then aware of a couple more things, the first being that you are stark naked, the second that your hands are now those of a slender female. Rising to your feet in a state of near panic you are not sure what surprises you more, that you are around 5’4” tall, with a well toned but far from strong build. You first are treated to the sight of your new pair of overly perky if a bit small b cup breasts with slightly longish nipples, that have been pierced with gold rings about a half inch in diameter. Your eyes next roll over your nicely tanned abs and your cute little navel that has also been pierced with a similar gold ring. Before settling on the one thing that just doesn't seem to fit, a cock, and a monster of one at that. Caressing the length you see your balls are completely shaved, and your cock is astonishing, especially on this slight female frame, simply fondling it for a few moments as you are unconsciously, it quickly responds and is standing at attention to it's full length of right around 13 inches and as thick as your wrist. “Fucking hell, that thing is massive, I bet I could suck it.” You laugh while stroking it and proceed to plop down on the bed and give it a try. Your cute little body is easily able to get your legs behind your head and before you can even fully grasp what it is you are doing you have the head of your own massive cock firmly planted in your mouth. You are even able to get down enough to make you gag, and before you know it you are lying on your back, feet locked behind your head, and stroking and sucking your massive cock till you receive your first incredibly impressive load of cum in your new body. Finally, with your erection a bit subsided, and your curiosity answered, you unhook your legs, flopping your feet to the floor, and wipe the last few drops of cum from your lips. “Huh, I even taste pretty good.” You catch yourself saying as the reality of what you just did sinks in.

Rising to your feet once again, suddenly very thirsty, you make your by the light of a thick lump of a candle with a rather wide wick, to the table or desk it stands on and find a large jug of water and a washing bowl. Hoisting up the jug, you take a long drink, wipe off your pretty mouth with your hand, noticing just then that both your tongue and lower lip are pierced with a little stud finally, before pouring a bit of the water in the bowl and rinse off your face. After noticing the two additional piercings, you decide to feel yourself over to see what else you have. In your ears you have 3 small rings in the lobes, and a stud higher and through the inner cartilage. You also find a small ring in your right eyebrow and a little stud in your left nostril. You are also a bit surprised to find that your hair is cut extremely short, so it is impossible to tell what color it is without finding a mirror. Finally you decide to take stock of your surroundings and glance around the small rather odd looking room you find yourself in. It appears you are in one of those fantasy suites that went all Conan. The bed is a wood frame with a pile of furs lying on it. There is a stout wooden door leading out, and a hole in the wall you guess is supposed to be a window with a small door that opens out and up that is currently closed. The only other furnishings in the room beyond the bed are a table or desk that you are now leaning against, a small end table at the end of the bed that you see has a pile of gear and what looks like weapons, and a large ceramic pot in the corner. Naturally it is the weapons that next command your attention, and you stroll over to the table and scoop them up to bring them closer to the light of the candle. The first thing you recognize is a blowgun consisting of a roughly 18”' long thin tube tucked into the back of a little nondescript leather and fur wrist quiver with a flap that, you would imagine when closed looks like some kind of arm guard, containing 20 needles roughly 5” long with tips that seem to glisten slightly with some kind of greenish paste. Next you find a small belt you figure would fit tightly to your thigh that has 8 throwing spikes, each spike is 6” long with a knife like point and a tassel of thread that flutters off the back for stabilization, and also seems to make the whole thing look less like weapons and more like some kind of odd leg adornment. Last you find a 12' long very thin but impossibly strong length of silver chain that you imagine you must wear as a belt, as both ends, despite being wicked little razor sharp almost leaf shaped blades, clasp together to form what looks like an ornate but otherwise normal belt buckle. “What the hell, am I supposed to be some kind of ninja? Where am I? What is going on?” You ask the dark room quietly, a tear forming in your right eye.

Wiping your face, needing to do something to prove you aren't simply just going crazy, you decide to at least get dressed and grab the small pile of clothing, what little there is. The first thing you find to put on is a leather and metal o ring harness straight out of some s&m bondage movie that covers most of your torso while doing nothing to conceal anything, other than the small leather strap now running up your ass crack. In fact if anything now that you have it on, you feel somehow more naked. Next you find a studded leather dog collar with a control ring with attached 6' chain leash, that for whatever reason you go ahead and put on, and after loosely looping it around your neck so it hangs down to about the middle of your back, it even has a tiny hook at the end that clips perfectly onto a lightly worn spot on the harness you are wearing. Third you find leather cuffs that clasp closed with concealed little hooks that as you pull closed find that they fit your ankles and wrists perfectly and have a ring on each to attach a restraint to, but there doesn't seem to be one here. Taking a few moments to put on the three weapons, you look around to find the rest of the clothing that is surely there, but the only thing you find is a pouch that hooks onto your harness that you open to find 100 gold coins about the size of a dime as well as 2 tiny white pearls, and a little silver ring.

Just as you pull out the little ring and slip it on there is a knock at the door. After a brief panic considering your basic lack of decency, you scramble to drape one of the furs around yourself as you call out the the door, “Who is it?”


Who do you find at the door?

          Some men in armor.


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