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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 2


Knowing it is both against the law, and probably very stupid, you load the little pistol you bought for self defense several years ago and slip it into your right front pocket, pulling on a light wind breaker that is long enough that you hope will cover any bulge the pistol makes in your pants. Your first thought is your neighbors only to find apparently everyone picked today to leave home earlier than you as not a single person you know, let alone like, will open the door. Knowing damn well you will never get a cab to simply find you by itself, you realize your only real option is to walk till you either find a bus that is going the way you need it to, not really knowing where that might be, but at least you know where a few bus stops are, or simply walk to the nearest store and get them to let you use the phone.

“Yay.” Is all you can say in exasperation as you settle into a light jog down the street in the direction of a local gas store that you frequent that you are pretty sure if they won’t let you use there phone, you are pretty sure they have a pay phone. Just under two blocks later you are almost laughing at yourself as the gun in your pocket bounces against your leg reminding you of it’s existence with every step, as if to taunt you with your own stupid paranoia. Then as you glance to your right you spot something that makes your heart skip a beat. Through the picture window of one of your neighbor’s houses is someone that you know damn well doesn’t live there, and he is holding what you are pretty sure is a blood covered axe. “This can’t be happening can it?” You ask the air as you look around frantically for anyone else, suddenly painfully aware that you are all alone, and possibly the only help for a family you barely know, but who’s kids you have seen playing in the yard many times on your way to work. “Awe fuck, I am not getting involved.” Turning back away from the house your mind tells you to run, fast as you can, once you get to the store you can call the police. “Ya right, they are so fast.” You say finally and pull out the little pistol, quickly checking it to be sure it is really loaded. Still unable to believe you are really going to do this. Creeping up the steps as quickly and quietly as you are able. As you get to the top of the stairs you see the door looks like it has been kicked in, and you can hear what sounds like crying coming from inside of the house. As quietly as you are able to you push open the door just enough to slip inside. Looking around you can now tell the crying is coming from upstairs. Quietly you creep up the stairs toward the sound of crying. Looking around you don’t see any sign of the person you saw earlier, but you aren’t taking any chances. Stopping to peak into each room as you pass, it seems to take forever to reach the lit room at the end of the hall. As you look into the room you see something that horrifies you, the woman that lives here is sitting huddled in the corner clutching her children and the man you saw earlier is now in front of them raising a double barrel shotgun. Something overcomes you at that point as you know what you have to do. Stepping into the doorway you call out, “Drop it or I drop you!” Instantly you regret your decision as he spins to point the gun at you, but you make your decision fast and put two bullets into his chest as he pulls the trigger. The woman screams as the bullets fly and as he falls back to slam against the wall you know that they will be ok. Suddenly the strength drops out of your legs and you can’t seem to stand. Sliding down the side of the wall you drop your gun. The woman races to you hear her saying something about an ambulance, and possibly thank you, your hearing just doesn’t seem to be working. Your sight begins to blur at that point as you drop to your back. As your eyes strain to keep open you find yourself thinking the most absurd thought:


Any pets left behind?

          Who is going to feed my fish.

          Did I leave my cat out?

          Did I put out water for the dog?

          Never did get any pets.


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