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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 1


Waking up this morning I bet you didn’t know it would be the last day you spent here on earth.

Climbing out of bed you hit the alarm clock for the third time, you can’t quite place what is wrong, you just can’t seem to get out of bed. Getting ready for work is more of a chore than usual. For whatever reason nothing seems to want to cooperate. Your shower head begins to sputter like it is clogged with hard water deposits, making your morning shower take far longer than usual, not to mention the lack of water pressure is maddening. Rushing to dry off, gather your clothes and get yourself dressed becomes another source of annoyance when you find all of your shoes sitting nicely in a puddle formed by some new leak exploited by last nights thunderstorm. Way beyond pissed off you spend the next five minutes looking for your keys before you finally race outside to find two, yup two flat tires on your ride. “Wow really two, what the hell.” Grabbing your cell to call work, finally giving in to the stream of bad luck, you find it hasn’t stopped yet as the little sploosh of water falls to the floor as you open your cell phone. “Well fuck isn’t that nice.” You say to the air frustrated. Cursing your bad luck, you head back inside to grab your home phone. Yup, some how you knew what you would find, as you pick up the phone there is nothing, no dial tone nothing, clicking it over and over you have no idea what is wrong it simply doesn’t work.

Frustrated you have no choice but to head out. As you walk outside once again to either find a phone, or get someone to give you a ride to work an odd tinge of dread strikes you, and you suddenly find yourself feeling the sudden and overwhelming need to take a gun with you as you leave your house.


Two questions are you male or female, and do you own a gun to take with you?

          Male, yes.

          Female, yes.

          Male, no.

          Female, no.


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