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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | brevdravis | 5


"Here's the deal," You grin at the two nude women before you. Your erection is nearly painful as you contemplate how good it would feel to fuck them, one after the other. "For each hand you lose now, you have to perform a forfeit."

"Whaddya mean, a forfeit?" Amy asks, reclining back onto her hands. Her body stretches nicely, and you find yourself drooling over her gorgeous tits. Ellen is looking too, and you notice her eyes straying to Amy's lovely lower patch of red hair.

"I mean, if you lose, you nominate a body part." You smile, contemplating how nicely this is going. "You allow the winner to do whatever they want to it, for one minute."

"Oh. Is that all?" Ellen snickers. "Really not too daring, are you?" You deal the cards to her and Amy. They begin to pick up their hands, when you make a final announcement.

"Oh, before I forget. You can't nominate the same body part twice...." You snicker, at the embarrassed flush that crosses Ellen's face. She was probably going to pick her hand every time she lost.....

"Cool," Amy smiles, looking at her cards. "And you still have to strip if you lose."

"Well, of course," you blurt. You actually wouldn't mind losing your pants right now. The pressure on your cock is intense.

You look at your hand. Three five's greet your view. You wonder if you should throw this hand to get a little more comfortable, or try to get the girls a little more worked up?


Win the hand, or lose?

          Throw three fives? You crazy?

          Throw the hand


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