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Zone & Tempest | Vanadiel | 5


As the goatman and girl continued along their way, they came to a massive plain. It seemed to stretch on forever.

Pan continued to walk quickly along his way, Julie lagging far behind. "Don't get separated," he warned. "And watch out for twisters."

The two of them continued on their journey, but off in the distance, they saw a storm gathering. Julie watched as the clouds in the air began to swirl around. "It's a twister," Pan said. "We have to take cover!"

Pan took Julie's hand and they began to run away from the approaching storm. However, on the plain, there was very little cover. They tried to get to a low area, but the twister continued to follow them, its dark clouds soon covering the whole area.

There was nothing that they could do. The twister grabbed both of them despite their best efforts, and they were sent flying. Julie blacked out as her small nude body was swirling around in the storm.

Eventually, she woke up in a strange area. She looked around her, examining her new surroundings.


Where is Julie now?

          The desert zone


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