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School Report | alpha-xeta | 9


You need to gather information if you want to make it out of this, you realize. Besides, your paper will need some student perspective.

You've never been too good at holding conversation though. You're very awkward and... well, although you've had and still do have many friends... you're just a little too timid or nervous around strangers.

Still, you force yourself to introduce yourself.

"Umm... Hi. I'm ."

Both of the girls are quite pretty. Though they are both blonde, their appearances are almost like foils of each other. The one sitting in her desk is tall, with long attractive legs and small breasts. Her face almost seems to glow, with large blue eyes and her hair twisted into an ordinary pony tail.

Her friend is short, with free flowing hair that reaches her shoulderblades. She has an... ample bosom and a plain, if attractive, face with brown eyes and thin brows.

The girls look between themselves then back at her.

"Hello, it is very nice to meet you," the tall one says in a thick accent, "I am Edith-Margriet, but you may call me Margriet."

Her friend replies, with almost the same pacing and tone as Margriet, "Hello, I am pleased to meet you. My name is Julia."

They both smile, slightly, causing you to grin in return. This is nice – you can tell these two girls are angels.

After what seems like an awkward pause, you continue, "I'm... new to this class. Can you tell me anything about it?"

"New?" Margriet says calmly, "That is interesting. If you are new, then I am happy for you. This is a good class. Were you recently promoted?"

"Ah, yes, I was."

Julia remarks, "Then you must be very gifted to come so far in the middle of the year. Miss Radson will be happy that another has joined us."

Having gathered sufficient basic information, you decide to ask them about themselves.

They share another look – which strikes you as odd. Do they need consent from each other to talk about something so personal?

"I am the daughter of the prime minister," Margriet says, her accent making her words difficult to understand, "I was being raised abroad, I attended many schools. I was such a spoiled and bratty child," she giggles, "I don't act that way anymore. I like writing and... music."

Julia says evenly, "Margriet is also very beautiful."

She blushes, "Thank you Julia. Yes, I did forget to mention that."

You can't fight your own blush – were you reading that comment correctly? Was that something more than what it seemed?

The blushing girl continues after her friend, "I was a bully at my old school. I started attending here this fall. I've made a lot of progress since then. Most of my classes are like this one. The principal says I will finally be taking all advanced courses in the summer. I like to... dance."

You realize this is perfect for your paper.

"Why did you change your behavior so much? Was it because you wanted to go to college? Did someone just give you the proper attention or respect you wanted?"

She shakes her head, "No, it is nothing like that, though I guess... I do like the kind of respect I get here."

Infuriatingly, you realize that the class is already full. A dozen students have walked in and the teacher has just entered, closing the door behind her.

Dutifully, both girls face forward in their seats and clasp their hands in front of them.

You rush back to your seat and sit down, doing the same.

The class is smaller than you'd expected, but it doesn't matter. You stare ahead, watching the teacher as she moves to the center of the room. There's something about her presence which commands your focus.

"I see we have a new student," she says, taking her spot before a podium, empty chalkboard flanking her, "Welcome. Please stand and introduce yourself."

Blinking, your heart racing even more – you can even feel sweat pooling on your arms – you stand rigidly and state your name. Your heart is in your throat – how did she pick you out so easily? You hope she doesn't question your presence. You almost sit down, but teacher smiles and asks,

"What are your talents?"


Answer her question.



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