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The Fall of Athenapolis | 24ward | 2


"Lipizi!" You stirred on your straw mattress, instantly recognizing the voice of your fellow slave Djuba. Though usually when Djuba woke you, his voice was quiet, even mournful. Djuba's voice this morning was excited, almost exultant.

You rose from your modest sleeping quarters in the back of the barn and pulled your trousers on. Usually your morning routine would be to care for the horses and sit down to a pitiful breakfast before beginning your day of manual labor. But this was no ordinary day.

No sooner had Djuba roused you than Milos, the household bodyguard, arrived in full armor and demanding a steed. The two slaves prepared the horse as he explained to them that the city was under attack! Once mounted, Milos left without any farewell, or even an extra glance.

You and Djuba considered your situation. Your master is a rich merchant from the north named Janus Kjellborg, and he is currently out of town on business, though his wife and daughters are presumably still in the house, now undefended since Milos rode off to glory.

Djuba wants to go to the Temple of Athena, where your master was a patron and where you were often brought for festival and family celebrations. He reminds you of the many treasures within, and the vestal virgins overseeing them.

You could also go down to the Slaver's Quarters, where the only other people you know are, and where there might be some kind of organized action.

Finally, you could help with the defence of the city!


What do you do?

          A slave no more!


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