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Amazon Women | BOBOLINO | 22


As you reach the bottom of the stairs you make out a tall black women in the shadows of the landing.

Sandra doesn't see the women hiding in the darkness and as you both pass in front of her to go to the kitchen Gwen hits Sandra over the head hard with what seems to be a police stick.

Gwen grabs you by your hand and you both run out of the house. A car is waiting in front and you spot Kya and Buffy inside. You hop into the car and Kya speeds away from the maidens house.

You can't say you're sorry to be done with these abusive bitches, being a sex toy is one thing but you don't want to be a mistreated one.

When things have settled down in the back of the car, Gwen starts stroking your hair, you are still naked but you aren't exited in the least, you're still sore from the beating Sandra gave you and you've had rather too much sex lately.

You get back to the girls' house and go straight to bed, feeling exhausted.


Can you finaly rest?

          Not yet damn it!


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