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Vacation With Your Best Friend | gunde | 13


“So, uh, maybe we should get back to our cabin?” You ask, feeling somewhat bewildered by the warm kiss that has just given you.

“Yeah…” agrees, but makes no effort to let go off you. Instead, you’re treated to enjoy the feel of her warm breath hitting the back of your neck.

“You sure that you’re up for it?” asks you a few seconds later.

“Uh-huh…” You’re glad that you’re facing away from , since it means that she can’t see your cheeks redden at the dirty thoughts about what you’re up to that pops into your head. “Besides, I’m hungry, and I don’t think that I’ll be much of a great white hunter.

giggles for a moment, but then grows silent as her breathing becomes deeper and she seems to be expecting something.

“Uh… so who’ll get dressed first?” finally asks.

“Well, I’m closest to our clothes, so I’ll go first.” You volunteer. “But no peeping!”

“What, it’s nothing I didn’t see last night!” jokingly observes.

“Yeah, I bet you’ve been wanting to get me helpless and at your mercy for some time.” Your joke isn’t a success, and it’s so bad that you can almost swear that you hear crickets chirping. Well, it was either that or blaming the cold water, or shutting up. Yes, keeping your mouth shut was probably the best alternative.

“, just get dressed.”

“Right, close your eyes.” With that, you slip out of the bed and nearly begin to whine from how cold the floor feels against the unprotected soles of your feet.

Hurrying to put on some socks, you then pick up your boxers and become aware of the fact that even though getting an erection while wearing underwear is quite awkward, it’s nothing compared to trying to fit your already erect cock into them.

“, how’s it going?” asks you as you wiggle about and shuffle your feet.

A hasty “Fine, fine” is your reply, and you finally get the boxers into their intended position before racing to get the rest of your clothes.

“Alright ,” you say once you’ve pulled up the front of your ski suit, “I’ll go stare into the corner with my eyes closed now.”

“Okay.” opens her eyes again, and you think that there’s something odd about the way she’s looking at you.

“It’s okay, I promise I won’t peep.”

Your assurance is met by a nod from , and you shuffle over to the corner.

Standing there with your eyes closed and your back to , you resist the urge to try to catch a quick look at her in the nude, partly because it would be disrespectful to her, and partly because you suspect that you’d just get caught.

“Okay, you can turn around now.” says after a while, and you again get to see how her powder-blue suit fits her almost like a second skin. You figure that yours isn’t a lot more concealing that hers, and so she should be able to spot quite easily how you’re sporting something between your legs that’s so hard that you could raise Old Glory on it and sing about the land of the free and the home of the brave.

“How’d you get the furnace going, anyway?” You ask, voicing the first that pops into your mind in an effort to keep her gaze from drifting away from your face.

“One thing about the English, they’re not very good at teeth or indoor plumbing or insulation or heating, so I just had to learn to take care of that stuff on my own.”

“So now you can get a job as a dentist?” This time your joke seems to be appreciated. Good, now just remember to stay away from joking about her wanting to ravage you or you being an idiot for saving her life, and everything should be just peachy.

You leave the abandoned cabin behind you and set out in what you hope is the right direction, each of you using a pole for support as you make your across the snowy ground.

For some reason, neither of you say a lot as you carry out the arduous task of moving through the woods, but eventually you can breathe a sigh of relief as you see your rented cabin up ahead.


What’s next?

          Draw a bath


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