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Vacation With Your Best Friend | gunde | 11


A convoluted recollection of how accounts of near-death experiences always involves a going towards a faint light before being pulled back from it is what triggers you to turn around and head for the splashes.

You have no idea of whether each heavy stroke of your arms and of your legs are bringing you closer to the surface or to the bottom, but eventually you’re rewarded by the sensation of a bright light flooding through your half-closed eyes as your head breaks through the surface.

Fumbling around with your arms, you manage to make contact with the ice, and another pair of arms comes in to help you heave yourself up out of the ice-cold water.

Rolling onto your back, you’re struck by how the relief over being able to breathe again is mixed with the sharp pain of your lungs trying to deal with the cold air flooding into them.

“!” ’s voice sounds strangely warped and diluted to your ears.

“…up! … can’t… my own!” Your battered mind has no ability to understand why seems to be spewing out a mangled mess of words rather than speaking in a coherent fashion, with more than half of them failing to become more than a mumbled mix of consonants and vowels as far as you’re concerned. What’s she so upset about?

Aow! You suddenly feel as though the skin of your right cheek is going to break as smacks the back of her hand against it. That was uncalled for.

“! Get up!” The alarm in ’s voice manages to briefly rouse you from your dazed state, and every muscle in your body feels like its going to come bursting through your skin as you heave yourself up onto your feet.

Instantly, you feel pressing her body against yours. Why is she doing that when she knows you’re soaked through?

You inform her of the fact that holding you might cause her to catch a cold, but that has the opposite effect of what you were intending by making her wrap her arm even tighter around your waist.

To you, what happens next is more like a confused dream than anything else as the time spent submerged in the icy water has its effect on your mind and on your body. You’re vaguely aware of the two of you making your way through the ice and the snow before you’re overcome by a sudden sensation of warmth.

You’re sat down on something soft, but keeps you from lying down on it, and the last thing you perceive before everything finally goes black is the sound of a zipper being pulled.

The next thing you know, you’re out of your clothes and bathing in warmth. What’s more, you’re naked and sporting an erection which somebody’s stroking while soft and tender kisses are being planted all over your face and chest.

Still not having recuperated after your time in the lake, all you can do is to grunt and moan as you begin to weakly thrust up against the hand which is playing with your cock, with your instincts suddenly taking control of your body in your mind’s absence.

You’re incapable of deciding whether or not what’s happening to you is a dream or not, but you croak out a tense “!” just before you lift your ass off whatever it is that you’re lying on and let loose an ejaculation, your body quivering as cum is spewed out of your cock.

Satisfied and spent, you slump back down again and drift off into unconsciousness.
The next time you regain consciousness, you do so in a much more clear fashion, opening your eyes to find that you’re now placed in a bed inside a rustic cabin which you’ve never seen before.

Every part of you, save for your head, which has a blanket wrapped around it to warm your ears, is tucked in under a heavy bearskin and another blanket, and you realize that you’re completely naked.

What’s more, is lying on her side right next to you, her body pressing against yours as her head rests snugly on your chest. It dawns on you that you’ve must have been in really bad shape after getting out of the lake, and that has done her best to keep you warm. That would account for her getting you out of your wet clothes and trying to use her body warmth to keep you from developing hypothermia or pneumonia, but it doesn’t account for the fact that she’s smiling in her sleep.

Nor does it explain the fact that when she stirs in her sleep in response to you stretching the stiff muscles of your arms and legs, you can feel her nipples raking across your ribs.

Suddenly you remember what you experienced the previous night, and now you begin to wonder whether it really was a fever dream or if it actually happened.


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