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Absolute Power | TJChurch | 7


When you turn your head to discover the source of the voice, you see that it came from the mouth of Kimberly Conklin...Or Coach Conklin, as she is known to most of the students. You'd heard her first name was Kimberly, but you have never been able to positively confirm that.

Regardless of what her name is, that's not important right now. Immediately, your eyes focus on the exact source of the question: Her full, red lips. Your thoughts are immediately redirected from her name to yours, & what you can only dream it would be like to hear your name coming from her mouth. Sure, it'd be fine to hear her say it the way at the time & place she's standing now, but as long as it's only in your mind, you can picture the two of you in any place & position you want.

Before you get the chance to form a picture in your head, however, her lips actually move again. "Hello?!", she says. "I believe I asked you a question! Just where do you think you're going?!"

"Uh... Oh, uh, Coach Conklin," you say, trying to not give her any clues as to where your mind had temporarily gone. "I was just heading in there to deliver a message. The Principal sent me here with a very important message for one of the girls."


What is her response?

          She accepts your excuse


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