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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm | gystex | 3


Before you get the chance to say anything, there's a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" Ellen asks.

"It's Cathy!" replies the visitor. "I need to talk to you, now!"

"Crap," Amy mutters, and yanks you over to the closet. "Get in here and don't make any noise," she whispers as Ellen goes to get the door.

"I thought it was visiting hours," you say.

"Yeah, but if she knows you're here now she'll be watching the room like a hawk tonight, and we don't need that," Amy informs you. "So sit tight." She closes the door on you, leaving only a crack open so you can look out into the room.

Ellen gets the door in the meantime, and you see a tall bleach-blonde girl sweep into the room. "Where's the guy?" she asks without preamble. "I know you've got a guy in here."

"You know, Cathy, even if we did, that's none of your damn business," Ellen says.

"It is if he spends the night," Cathy says with a sneer. "I'm not stupid, you know. And I'm going to be watching you."

"Well then, I hope you get off on it," Amy says. "Like you do when we're showering."

Cathy glares at Amy, then leaves angrily. After they're sure she's gone, the girls let you out of the closet.

"What was all that about?" you ask.

"She's a bitch, that's all," Amy says. "And I wasn't kidding about her staring at us in the showers. She's a lesbo."

"That's the rumor, anyway," Ellen says.

"Oh, come on!" Amy exclaims. "Everyone knows it. She's got the hots for you in particular, you're just in denial 'cause you don't like to think that she's thinking of you naked while she's in her room alone at night."

"Anyway, that's not important," Ellen says. "What is important is what we do about tonight, since she will be watching and she'll probably catch us. We can be quiet in here once we're settled, but you have to bring your bags up and we wanted to sneak some liquor in here, so we need to distract her at the right moment. Any ideas?"

You shrug.

"Hey, I've got it!" Amy says. "Ellen, you can distract her! Just go into her room and act flirtatious. She'll get all flustered and we can get the stuff in here!"

Ellen shakes her head. "No way. Besides, what if I'm right and she's not a lesbian? It'll never work."

"Well, if you're sure she's straight, we could always send your friend in there," Amy says, pointing at you. "And he can give her with the impression that he doesn't even know us. You know, she'd never think we were trying to get away with something if he just walks in there bold as brass."

"I've got a better idea than both of those," Ellen says. "Why don't we just try inviting her to the party? Maybe she's not such a bitch after all if we give her a chance."

You get the idea that the girls need you to cast the deciding vote.


What do you think you should do?

          Tell Ellen to flirt with Cathy.

          Get Cathy drunk

          You agree to flirt with Cathy

          Think about it some more.


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