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the scroll | blackhand | 1


Once a place of great knowledge and life, the scroll library was now an old decrepit building full of shelves upon shelves of old, dusty scrolls. Sakura, who was probably one of the few people who actually still visited the deserted building, usually spending days going from scroll to scroll learning as much as she could from ninjutsu to genjutsu, but today she had a special reason for being there. “I can’t take it anymore, if I’m ever going to stay with my dear Sasuke I need to improve on my jutsu.” thought Sakura as she went from one old scroll too the next searching for a ninjutsu or genjutsu that could help her catch up with Sasuke and Naruto. As the dust started to collect in the air around her from the dusty scrolls, Sakura decided to move on to the next shelf. As she pulled down the first scroll and began to read she heard a thud on the floor. Down at her feet laid a bright blue scroll with a red “FORBIDDEN” sign painted on it. Sakura picked it up, realizing what it was. “It’s a forbidden jutsu scroll!” thought Sakura as she looked at the writing on the outside, “I should take this to Lord Hokage.” As she began to head for the door Inner Sakura popped out. “Are you kidding, this could be our chance to finally have Sasuke notice us, CHA!” “Umm…”, thought Sakura as she wondered what amazing jutsu could be inside the scroll. “Maybe it was a jutsu that had been lost ages ago and I have the only remaining scroll. I can see it now, Sasuke would be so amazed with me that maybe he‘d actually KISS me. With the burning image of Sasuke ready to kiss her, a red faced Sakura reached to open the scroll. As she undid the ends of the scroll she started to have second thoughts when the image of Sasuke made her pull it open.

As Sakura stood with the scroll open in front of her she realized that something was terribly wrong because the scroll now changed from a bright blue to a deep red followed by a red light emitting from it. Sakura could only make out one word before she was thrown into a shelf, dropping the scroll in the process. Sakura started coughing from the dust as she watched the glowing scroll suddenly catch fire and turn to ash. Sakura started to raise from the floor, realizing that it had been a booby-trapped scroll, and started to check herself for any damage.
“ least I’m not injured, but why was a scroll like that in the library?” thought Sakura as she started to head over to the remains of the scroll, “That first word of the scroll, it looked…familiar.” Sakura looked down at the remains of the scroll before falling too her knee’s in pain. “ Augh…Wh…what’s going on?!?” shouted Sakura as she tried to stand up only to feel an intense pain in her abdomen that made her fall on her butt. As she sat there, she began to feel a warmth first at her belly and then start to move up to her breasts. Sakura fell onto her back as the warmth increased on her belly and she started to get a bloating feeling. She looked down and couldn’t believe what she was seeing! Her belly appeared as though it was starting to rise up like a balloon. Panicking and not sure how long it would last, Sakura unzipped her one piece outfit and threw it to the side as she now laid on the floor in her underwear and prepared for the worst, only to discover that the warmth had stopped.

Sakura raised herself to were she was sitting on the floor and looked around blushing, because she was in her underwear, before looking down. As she looked past her red bra (yes, her underwear and clothes match) she saw her belly sticking out as though she had a “very” large meal. “It must be a ninjutsu,” thought Sakura as she took her finger and poked it only to find that it was real, not to mention that it had more of a hard feel than a soft flabby feel to it. “Just great!” shouted Inner Sakura, “Now we’re fat and Sasuke will never talk to us again!” Just then the warm feeling suddenly hit Sakura again followed by the pain, but this time the pain turned into more of a pleasure as Sakura fell on her back and began to feel the warmth engulf her belly and breasts. She could feel as her bra started to become tight and just glanced down to find her bra actually expanding right before her eyes. Her nipples turned hard and started to tickle as they pressed against her bra. Soon the pleasure was replaced by another pain as her small sized bra strap started to dig into her back. Sakura reached behind herself, frantically trying to remove the strap before it became to late. She could barely breath and was digging at the notch when the bra finally gave way and just ripped in the middle of her growing breasts. Her breasts now flopped next to her growing belly finally free. Once again Sakura was knocked flat on her back as the wave of pleasure came again. She reached down to her rapidly growing belly and closed her eyes as she felt the warmth make it bigger and bigger. She then wrapped her arms around her breasts and could feel the warmth in them as well while they grew along with her belly. She let out a pleasurable gasp as the warmth left her, again, on the floor with her broken bra barely covering her large breasts and finding herself covered in sweat.

Sakura started to sit-up once again, this time with more difficulty, and folded her legs underneath as her belly went too rest on top of them. Finally coming back to her senses, Sakura looked down only to find herself looking at her, two size grown, breasts resting on her belly. She had to turn her head to the side to see the rest of her, and what she saw made her gasp. Resting on her legs was a huge belly and not just any belly but her belly to be exact. Sakura feel back onto her back in an attempt to faint when she felt a sharp pain emit from her girth that made her reach to the spot instantly. “W…was that a kick?!?” thought Sakura as she moved her hand over the spot before getting another response from her large girth. Sakura’s jaw dropped when she realized what the first word to the booby-trapped scroll must have been.
It must have read PREGNANCY!!
“OH, CRAP!!!” screamed a pregnant Inner Sakura, “Why, or Who, would plant something like this!!”


Now what?

          she runs into hinata


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