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The Toy Shop | Eroshumanal | 7


As the shop owner leads you out of your apartment on all fours. Half transformed into a dog with six pairs of 36 C cup breasts and a pussy. You are so horny you don’t care who sees you. All you want to do is get to the store the lady, who has turned you into a female dog girl, owns. When suddenly you see your girlfriend Katie with her Great Dane Duke.

You have never gotten along with Duke. You whimper and hide behind the shop owner.

“What is the matter girl? Does the big dog scare you?” She teases looking at the large dog who is pulling its owner towards the two of you.

“Oh what an unusual dog. What kind is it?” Katie asks the shop owner about you as Duke starts sniffing your ass.

“I don’t know. I just rescued her today. Her owner left her all lone in his apartment with no food or water. As you can see she is in such a bad shape most of her fur has fallen out.” The shop owner says as she pats you on the head.

“The bastard I hope he gets what he deserves. She is so cute. She looks familiar though but I can’t place her.” Katie says as she holds her hand out for you to sniff. You reluctantly do so fearing she will know its you. You don’t want her to see you like this.

“I’m sure the bastard will. Do you come to this apartment often you might of seen her when she had more fur being walked by her owner.” The shop owner says as she looks your girlfriend over in a very leering way. You are to busy with Duke who has started to lick your dripping pussy. You begin to fear that the dogs attention to you is turning you on.

“Why yes my boyfriend lives in this apartment building. He and Duke here don’t get along. So I thought I would give them another try.” Katie says as she turns and sees Duke mount you. His hips frantically trying to find your pussy with his ever hardening cock. “Duke get off of her now! Bad dog! Oh god I’m so sorry. I have been meaning to get Duke fixed but just have not got around to it yet..” Katie says blushing from ear to ear.

“No harm done. After all she is in heat I think she actually liked it. I got an idea how about we go back to my shop we can get to know one another and your dog and mine can get their sexual frustrations out with the help of each other. I bet your boyfriend will have better luck if your dog is no longer so horny.” The shop owner says with the sweetest look on her face.

“I don’t know.” Katie says looking up at your window.

“Come on does he know you where comeing by right now?”

“No I was going to surprise him.”

“See what is a couple of hours. Your dog will be calmer and in a better mood to meet your boyfriend and my dog will have another dog to play with and help her get used to her new place.”

“Well they do seem to be getting along and Duke would probably be more of a hand full than normal if I took him away from your dog now. By the way what is your dogs name any way?”

“As I said she is a rescue and I don’t want to use her old name with her new life you understand. I got it how about you and Duke come to the store and the four of us can play together and try to find a name that fits her.” The shop owner says with a slight smile at the word play that Katie missed as she tries to keep Duke off of you again.

“Yes I think that sounds like fun lets go before Duke knots himself to your dog right her on the street. I would just die of embarrassment if that happened.” Katie says as she starts to blush again.

The shop owner pulls you by your leash and leads you followed closely by Katie and Duke back to her shop. “She is going to be so much fun to play with. Behave or I’ll tell her who you used to be.” She says in a threatening voice that leaves no doubt she would do that to.


Does Katie come to the store with you and the owner?


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