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Ultimate Fanfiction | Eroshumanal | 11


As Alex turns from Sam to Clover unable to decide who to pick to be a sex slave to her eyes lock on to a young hansom man surfing towards them. With her loins on hunk and a hunk of a man coming towards them her sex crazed mind says the only thing it can.


“What!?!” Sam and Clover say together. “When did you be called surfer!” The two friends yell at each other.

“No a surfer coming towards us.” Alex says as if in a dream though for her it seems to be just that. Clover and Sam turn and look out at the approaching surfer and quickly pull away from Alex and begin to make themselves look hot for the stud on the surfboard.

The quick release by her friends and there sudden concern for their own looks makes her realize how she looks. It takes Alex a few minutes to get herself loose and her skin tight suit back on just as the surfer comes to shore. As Alex quickly runs her fingers though her hair she is never been so happy she keeps it short.

As the young man comes onto the beach ridding the wave like he was just walking along the beach. He steps off the board and flicks it up and sticks the end into the soft sandy beach with one fluid motion. He wipes the sea water from his hair with one arm and smiles at the three ladies. The they stare lustfully at him since they are all incredibly horny from there fun just moments ago. Plus it doesn’t hurt he is such a hunk the three spies think to themselves at the same time.

“So what brings three lovely ladies to my private beach?” The handsome young man says with a warm friendly smile.

“Your island!” The girls yell at the same time.

“No way! This island belongs to the multi billionaire Gene S. Animus. Your too young and too much of a stud to some old billionaire.” Clover says as she drapes herself over his shoulders and pressing her firm round breasts into his back.

The young man blushes at the sensation and a noticeable bulge appears in his swim trunks. Alex and Sam grin at the sight with a lustful look on both there faces.

“I am Gene S. Animus. I made my first billion at 10.”

“No way. How could a 10 year old kid make that much money?” Clover says as runs her hands over his muscular chest.

“With a computer and the internet. All you have to do is be able to communicate as an intelligent adult and you are treated as one. By the time anyone realized I was a kid. I was 16 and was worth over 10 billion dollars. No one argues with anyone who can make 10 billion dollars. No matter how old they are. Oh how rude of me why don’t I bring you three to my mansion and tell me what brings you to my island.” Gene says as he puts an around the arms of Alex and Sam.

“You know this is a beautiful island. It must be great to live here with all the tropical wildlife and plants. I could spend all day studding every plant and animal on the island.” Sam says as she looks up at Gene and then around at the plants on the island. Her mind turning from sex to being a spy slowly and reluctantly. She glances down at the computer compact and sets it up to scan the island.

Gene with a flick of his little finger against his ring makes a small needle to come out of the base of the ring. “Its ok though some of the bugs have a nasty bite.” Then with a quick flick of his left hand he sticks Sam’s right leg and brings his hand up to hers before she feels the pain.

“Ouch! I see what you mean.” Sam says as she pulls away. Alex and Clover run over to Sam and try to look at her leg. Gene brings his hand quickly up to the middle of Clover’s back and steps away towards Alex.

“Ouch! Damb bugs! I hate insects especially the bitting ones.” Clover says as she tries to reach where Gene had touched.

“Stand still Clover let me see.” Alex says as she walks past Gene he pricks her arm.

“Ouch! Wow the bugs are really out in force. Hey why are you not getting bit?” Alex asks as she looks at Gene.

“They always get bad as it gets close to sundown. We should get inside before they really start to come out in force. Oh I have been bit a couple of times already. I am just used to it so I don’t yell out. Come on ladies a hot bath will do you a world good. My servants will have a proper meal fitting for such lovely ladies.

The three spies walk along next to him each feeling a little off. Clover grabs his right arm while Alex his left. Sam falls behind as the sun begins to set behind them. As they reach the garden that leads up to Gene’s mansion. All the girls gasp in wonder at the sight. It looked like it was something out of a fairy tale.

Though as Sam begins to feel dizzy she steps off the path and onto the lush grass. Her feet sink into the soft soil and she sighs in relief. She closes her eyes and begins to play with her pussy though her costume. She can’t stop herself she feels so horny and it feels so good.

Alex notices that Sam is no longer with them and looks around before she sees her just standing in the grass playing with herself.

“Sam! What are you doing!?!” Alex pulls away from Gene as Clover pulls him closer to her. Clover looks back at Alex and nods to her. Then she turns to look up at Gene’s face.

“Come on Gene let Alex go see to Sam they will be coming along soon enough. Besides it will give us time to get to know each other a lot better.” The last statement Clover runs her hand down Gene’s chest and over his swimsuit.


Follow Alex to find out about Sam or Clover and Gene.

          Sam playing with herself in the grass


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