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The Babysitter | modr4ds | 5


As you squat behind the cupboard, you hear Sarah walk into the kitchen. She is walking a bit quickly now, flustered by the seemingly empty house. Although you dare not peer around the corner, it's fairly easy to tell where she is by the sound of her footsteps.

When Sarah leaves the kitchen to search for you again, you peek around the cupboard to see that although the glass of wine is gone, the laptop is still untouched. As you begin to wonder whether this is even going to work, you hear Sarah walking back toward the kitchen, and resume hiding.

"Mr. ! Where are you?" Sarah asks, slightly annoyed, before muttering, "What the fuck!? Where is everybody...?"

Being especially careful, you lean quietly around the cupboard to see Sarah leaning against the back of the computer chair before she pushes it back toward the laptop counter. You quickly hide behind the cupboard again in case she turns around.

The chair shakes the computer when it slams into counter, and there is a brief moment of stillness before you hear Sarah drop and break the wine glass.

"Oh, wow," Sarah gasps, "is that Mr. and Mrs. ?" She steps toward the computer, but the broken glass on the floor makes her stop.

"Okay," she says to herself, "clean this up first, but then I have to get a better look at that!" She sounds almost excited as she exits the kitchen.

She's probably only looking for the broom and dustpan, so you don't have a ton of time, but this sounds like a great time to make a move...


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