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The Perfect Pill | darkblaze012 | 3


Thinking dinner might be a good time to begin your field work, you suddenly realized something… you had no idea how fast the pill would take effect! It wouldn’t be that good if one of the girls at the table suddenly wanted to fuck you!
It took a minute for Ray to answer your texted question, but what he said effectively cut down your dinner idea.

‘The drug should take effect within five minutes or so. Again, I don’t know if individual resistance levels will play a factor or not… that’s your job. Let me know how it works – and we’ll meet for wings at Edward’s bar tonight.’

During dinner, you took a moment to think about whom you should drug – of the four of them; Elizabeth should be the hardest for the pill to affect and Jessica the easiest. That is, if personal resistance mattered at all.

Thinking best to start easy, you ask Jess what she would be doing after dinner. Besides, you’ve always wanted to see how good she was in bed.

“Probably goin’ to hang out with the girls,” she shrugged between mouthfuls. “Why, what’s it to you?”

“Jessica,” you mother reprimanded. “Be nice to your brother!”

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and leaned back – stretching, granting you a wonderful view of her massive, bouncing breasts. The low-cut white tank-top did little to disguise the fact that she neglected to wear a bra, and her hard nipples were poking and obvious for all to see. Luckily, at the time, that was only you.

“Stop staring at me, Eric,” she complained, leaving her plate and heading towards her room. “What did you want, anyway,” she shouted from the stairs.

Already finished, you dropped your plate on top of the counter and answered, a plan forming in your thoughts, “I only wanted to know if you needed a ride. I can drive tonight – mom has a lot of work.”

She looked suspicious, after all you never offered to drive her before, but she consented, only asking for a few minutes to get changed.

Ten minutes later she was sitting next to you in your car, dressed in a black mini-skirt and a cut-off top that exposed her tan stomach. She was wearing a bra now; no doubt knowing that she was about to be around some people who would take advantage of her exposed boobs.

“You thirsty,” you ask, a bottle of beer next to you with the crushed pill inside. Not giving her a chance to answer, you hand her the bottle, and ignored her weird look.

Two blocks later the bottle was empty and she began acting a little odd. She kept squeezing her legs together and pushed herself back into the seat. A minute later and she began caressing her legs and closed her eyes, breathing deeply as her hormones began racing out of control.

“Are you okay, Jess,” you ask, hiding a smirk. She turned to look at you; lust playing at the edges of her eyes.

“Yeah…” she sighed, now clawing at her leg with one hand and touching your arm lightly with the other. “I just feel… kinda weird…

“Oh my god,” she whispered, slouching now. “Eric… I… I can’t hang out with my friends tonight… Take me back home…!”

So you drove back to your house, with Jessica next to your becoming more aroused by the minute. It got so bad for her that, when she thought your attention was on the road, she started fingering her soaked privates!

As soon as you parked the car she ran up to her room on the second floor, breathing heavily with arousal. You followed her and knocked on her door.

“Hey, Jess,” you say, knocking. “Are you okay? Can I do anything for you?”
It took her halt a minute to answer; she opened the door just enough for you to see her face, “Um, Eric, you could help me… will you come in?”

‘Yes!’ you think, walking through the door – she hid behind it as you walked through. Jessica’s room was covered in posters of rock bands; she had a wall-mounted 30inch LCD TV and her own stereo system. Turning to face her as she snapped the door shut you only had a second to take it in.

Jessica was standing there, completely naked, with an uncontrolled look of pure lust painted on her face. She launched herself at you, pressing her hot body against you and immediately began grinding against your hard erection.

“Eric, I’m sorry but I’m so fucking horny,” she exclaimed as she all but ripped your clothes off. “I need you to fuck me right now!”


Fuck your sister, right now?

          Tease her a little...


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