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Virtual Reality | Eroshumanal | 2


As Kelly blinks and looks around she is amazed at the amout of detail and how real it all looks. The dragons flying in the air. The castle in the background. The inchanted forest with the strange mystical creatures running out of it. It is every- thing you ever thought a fantasy world would look, sound, smell and feel like.

Kelly looks down at her hands and sees that she now has three fingers covered in black fur up to the middle of her forarms. She sees that her feet are also paw like and covered in black fur up to her knees. Suddenly a swish catches her eyes at her knees. Kelly turns her head and sees a long red fluffy fox tail with a white tip just above her ass. She notices a shallow pool and looks into to see her reflection. She looks the same except instead of human ears she has fox ears on the top of her head. As she stairs at her reflextion she looks down at her- self and admires how large and firm her breast are as well as how firm and shaply her body is now. As she realizes she is standing around naked she looks down and sees that her pubic hair is the same firy red as her hair on her head. Except that the hair on her head reaches down to just above her tail and also has a white tip at the end of it.

Suddenly Kelly hears someone comeing up behind her. She doesn't know if she should stay, runaway or dump out and try a differant reality. After all she is standing thier but naked in a fastasy world and hasn't looked at what is coming up behind her.


Run, stay, or try a differant reatlity

          Stay and meet hydra ladies


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