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The Underground | brevdravis | 4


David looked at Jennifer's severe expression, and realized that although a lie would probably sound more plausible than the truth, Jennifer would spot a lie in a heartbeat.

"This woman, I don't know who she is..." he began.

"So you stood my father up to chase after some bimbo? Was she pretty? Did you fuck her?" Jennifer's voice becomes shrill. The anger is palpable, and Merlin cowers away from her voice.

"No! Honey, look. She was hurt, Ok?" David stumbled over the words, uncertain of how to proveed.

"So, a woman got hurt. I assume you called the police and let them handle it. It is their job you know." Jennifer's expression remained severe. David wondered at the anger, and realized that most of it was probably a reaction to the dressing down her father most likely gave her when he was late.

"Look, Jennifer. Can I start over? I'm sorry." David took a deep breath before continuing. "I had some trouble; I know you don't want to hear about that, but it's what really happened."

"Ok." Jennifer nodded, "At least you're starting this out on the right foot."

"Right." David ventured a slight smile. Much to his relief, Jennifer returned it. "So, there was this woman, and she looked really hurt. I tried to get her to go to a hospital, but she was semi-concious."

"She was probably on drugs honey." Jennifer responded. "You know that is probably the only reason she didn't want to go to the hospital."

"The thought did cross my mind. I just wanted to help." David explained, parting his hands. "So, I brought her back here."

Jennifer's eyes flashed fire. "I knew it! You were having sex up here before I came in!"

"No!" David replied. "She's in my bed, fully clothed! I got her in here not fifteen minutes ago."

"I should call the police!" Jennifer stood and crossed to the phone. She picked it up, and began to dial, when David's hand came down on the receiver.

"Don't." He looked at Jennifer with a pleading expression in his eyes. "Just, don't...."


Does Jennifer decide to call?

          Jennifer Doesn't call.


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