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"Yes" | rospy | 53


Tanya and her mom arrived at the a spot where Tanya met the old gypsy. Some drunkards were laying around and appeared like they were dead bodies after a deadly plague had hit.

The ally was really long. Tanya's mother got an idea and said "Let's split up to cover more ground. You go that way and I'll go this way"

Walking down the alley, Tanya tried asking the bodies that moved if they know who the gypsy was. Most of the replies were incomprehensible or would simply shrug and rollover. She saw a man walking, although it was more like stumbling. He was old and carrying an empty liquor bottle. He stretched his palm out. "Spare some change for a sad drunkard?"

Tanya replied "Yeah I can spare some change if you can help me find this old lady. She looks like.............."

The drunkard shook his head slowly and said "Sorry, I haven't seen her before. Women don't usually hang around this alley for long. So what do you say? Can you spare some money so I can drown my sorrows."

Tanya was a bit angry. "Sorry. You gave me no information and you're just going to spend it on alcohol anyway. Maybe if you quit drinking, you wouldn't be here."

Tanya walked away and continued on her mission asking other people. A few minutes later, the old man return and grabbed her arm in the same place the old gypsy had done days ago. Startled, Tanya looked up and saw the old mans face had changed. It was the Gypsy!!!

"Oh thank god I've found you" Tanya jumped with excitement.
"Hey mom, I found her!!" she shouted out.

Her mom turned and started walking toward Tanya and Tanya looked back at the old lady who was already staring at Tanya's forehead with angry eyes. Then the old Gypsy spoke.

"Your heart is still filthy, even though I have tried.
Like your heart you will stink, when people are beside.
Your smell, it will make, other girls despise.
But boys will be drawn, with lust in their eyes"

"NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!!!" Tanya screamed. "Don't curse me again you fucking bitch!!!!"

"Who are you talking to?" Her mother asked.

Tanya looked at her mom and then looked back and the old lady was gone.

"What the fuck? The gypsy!! She was here a minute ago!"

Tanya's mom was suddenly upset. "Tanya you fucking brat. I am so sick of your god damn lies. I just want to slap you sometimes!! And since you insist on dressing and acting like a hor in public, why not just go all out and walk around naked, you fuckin' slut hor! Just take off your clothes like the hor that you are and wait for me in the car bitch."

Tanya obeyed and ran to the car crying.

Obviously the gypsies new curse had already taken effect on Tanya's mother.


How will this new curse effect Tanya next?

          2nd curse

          Back home with dad


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