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"Yes" | rospy | 47


Tanya tried to not respond to the question, but was compelled to shout out "I'm only acting out like this because my mom keeps using my vibrator to fuck herself up the ass and she never washes it off!"

Tanya's mom's jaw dropped speechless.

The principle had about all he could stand and said "That mouth of yours just earned you a detention after school today."

Turning to Tanya's mother, the principle said "I am going to recommend that you think about sending Tanya to the local reform school where we send our other delinquents. With an attitude like hers, she'll fit right in. Usually only boys are sent there, but they accept any trouble making juveniles like Tanya here. You should go to their campus and look around."

Tanya's legs started to shake. Even though the suggestion was for her mother, Tanya suddenly wanted to go visit that reform school.

The principle continued on saying "To resolve the issue with Claire, I sentence Tanya to 2 days suspension starting tomorrow. If I hear any more complaints about her, the next step will be expulsion."

Soon after, Tanya was dismissed to finish her classes for the day while the principle kept talking with the parents.

Tanya's legs were aching to move. She wanted to go class, but she needed to visit that school campus. If she took the bus, she figured she could probably get there and back before lunch and no one would even notice. Besides it might be best if she avoided other people for a while.

Looking through the bus window, she watched as the houses faded from friendly suburban colors to grey and desolate. As she got closer to her destination, there seemed to be a person standing at almost every street corner. Would this be in her future?

An hour later she found herself standing at the front gate of "Smith County Reform School."

"OK, I've got to the campus. I just need to look around so I can go home. Let's do this quickly." Tanya encouraged herself.

Staring at the building, it reminded her of one of those abandoned mental hospitals in horror films. Besides grey, the only colors were from graffiti. Through the dimly-lit windows she could see students wearing bandanas and hoodies. Most of them were sleeping or generally ignoring the teachers.

Tanya's mind raced as she thought of all the horrible things that might end up happening to her at a school like this. But on the bright side, she would be free from having BIGMAN07 as a classmate.

A gust from the windswept campus brushed against her vagina reminding her of her revealing outfit. The only sound was a loud creek as she opened the black cast iron gate.


Does she get back to her first school before lunch?

          back to school


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