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Shiro the Sensual Samurai | nelo | 10


With a deft knee to the groin of the attacker, Shiro got on her knees and forced the attacker back. However, the man seemed not to phazed by her attack. Instead, he seemed even angrier than before. "Gah, no use for this pesky skin anymore...", he growled and then something happened that made Shiro nearly throw up.

Grabbing his chest, the man began to pull at it. With a horrible ripping sound, the flesh was torn away from where his ribcage should have been. A bit of blood spurted out, but beneath the skin was a second skin... but one unlike any humans.

The man, as he shedded his skin in a nightmarish display, grew in size, until his head was just inches below the ceiling of the hut.

"You're an oni!", Shiro gasped. She had heard the myths before, but not she was faced with the reality! Before her stood a hulking green beast, demonic in appearance. Its limbs were as thick as trees and its dirty loincloth could do little to hide its erect mass.

"Once you're willing to submit to me, you'll get this whole thing. What do you say, whore?", the oni grinned, exposing his fangs and let drool dribbled out over his chin.

Realizing his vile intents, Shiro drew her sword, determination in her face. "I'm NOT going to surrender to a beast like you!", the female samurai yelled, disgusted by the beast in front of her.

"So you think you can defeat me? Funny! I'll show you your place, and that is on the floor with your legs spread for me!", the oni hollered and swung his giant club.

The air froze as Shiros mind raced on what to do. This was her first time fighting an otherworldly enemy and she did not know how much damage her sword could do against the demons skin. But she would be damned if she would allow herself to be beaten just like that.

Hearing a whimper behind her, Shiro was reminded of Sakura. The sweet girl was still here and it fell to her, Shiro, to protect her.


Can Shiro defeat the oni? Or at least escape with Sakura?

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