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Hybrid: The furry project | mistress_alexia | 18


You spend the next eight days isolated in the biolab while Mark and his team run every sort of test imaginable. Between the exhaustion of being ripped apart, the pain of being put back together, and the injections and anesthetics they give you during the tests, you sleep through most of it. It wasn’t until later that you found out how long you were out. Or that was by your side almost the entire time. The only time she left was when Tony and Bob coaxed her away for a bit of food and rest. Even then, she would only go if one of them would stay with you until she came back.

The only thing you remember is waking up in an isolated room of the biolab. Aside from the bed you're laying on and the tubes in you, the only other thing is a doorway and an opaque port that is so smoky and dark you can’t see anything on it or through it. Somehow you can almost sense ’s excited gasp and her paw on the mirror as she sees you. Immediately the door slides open and charges in, Mark charging in after her. “Wait! We don’t know if it’s safe yet!”

The moment Mark enters the room, spins around and glares at Mark. Mark pauses. “Um…why don’t I get you a chair and leave the two of you alone for a bit?” Within seconds, is sitting beside you in a padded chair and Mark is nowhere to be seen.

You reach up caress her cheek. “Oh, love. You look so tired. Why don’t you get some sleep?” you try to say. But the words don’t come out of your mouth.

Still, she seems to understand exactly what you’re trying to say. She looks at you as if to say “I’ll sleep tonight with you beside me.”

“Then let’s go home,” you tell her with a smile as you try to sit up. She reaches down to help you as Mark, Bob, and Tony walk in.

Mark has trouble looking you in the face. “Um, everything’s going well. We’ve got a complete set of tests to compare to ’s, and Tracy’s been running things in your absence, so there’s no need to worry and…”

Bob and Tony, however, seem to take everything in stride. Bob looks over at Mark. “Shut up and unhook the man.”

Within minutes the tubes are removed. Tony’s brought a baggy robe for you to slip on. As if they have it planned, Tony goes ahead to run interference while Bob and escort you back to “the den.”

To your surprise, they take you to a larger room by the arboretum. Tony is standing at the door waiting for you. As he opens the door, he explains “We pulled some strings to get you two a larger room since you’ll be sharing it until you decide what you wanna do next. The arboretum is right next door if you two need a place to just walk or exercise. Bob’s got some things for you. We’ll bring them by tomorrow. Figured the two of you would want a bit of time alone.”

You nod, turning to Bob and Tony. “Thanks, guys,” you rasp at them.

Bob pats your shoulder. “Anytime.” With that they leave you and alone.

You sit down on the edge of the queen sized bed and sigh. sits beside you. ”Is there anything I can do for you?” she asks as she rubs your back.

You laugh. It comes out a bit hoarsely. “Think I could go for a bath and a steak,” you tell her.

She murrs and smiles. “I think that can be arranged.” she murrs softly as she helps you up and escorts you to the bathroom. You can’t help but grin when you see the large jet stream hot tub and large separate shower stall in the bathroom.

laughs. “I don’t know how they did it, but Tony and Bob set it up for us. They said it was a ‘mating present.’ Tony made sure to point out there was room for both of us in them, just in case we wanted to try them out.”

As starts a bath, you slip off the robe and finally get a good look at yourself in the mirror. Your height is the same, but you seem to have bulked out a bit, gaining some definition in your chest, arms, and legs. Your eyes have taken on almost a husky-like shade of blue. But what amazes you most is that you look just like a male version of , only your fur is solid black.

You run your new paw through the fur at your face and neck, trying to get used the feel and look of it. The scent of 's musk lets you know she's coming towards you. Her arms wrap around your waist as her head rests against your shoulder blades. “It will take some time to adjust. But I’ll be here by your side, as will Tony and Bob. The rest of the staff may not adjust or understand.” lets go of you and walks around you to come between you and your reflection in the mirror. Her paw touches the side of your muzzle as she kisses you. “But I don’t care what they think. You are still my mate, my Alpha, no matter what you look like.” With that, she turns you around slowly and escorts you to the bathtub.


It's your first conscious day as a hybrid. So what happens next?

          Getting your strength back


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