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My Stepkids | mistress_alexia | 2


It’s been one year ago today that I married Todd Hopkins, owner of a large shipping company here in town. He’s a kind, sweet man who was widowed at the age of 30 and left to take care of his two children, Amy and Matt, by himself. After years of being alone and burying himself in his work and his kids, we met, dated, and quickly married.

Todd just turned 46, but he’s still strong, intelligent, and warm, if not a bit businesslike and driven. The one problem I didn’t foresee was how little he would actually be home. Between business meetings, driving loads out of state, and training new drivers, it’s nothing for Todd to be gone for days or even weeks at a time. I have my job teaching at the local community college, and I have my writings to keep me occupied. And I have Amy and Jeff to keep me company. They’ve learned to work their lives around their father being gone, so they quickly welcomed me into their lives. Before I knew it, I was playing video games and role playing games with them and their friends, having movie nights with the kids, and hosting many a pool party and sleep over when Todd was out of town.

And I love my stepkids. They’ve been so wonderful to me, and while they and their friends consider me to be the “cool mom” on the block, they’ve learned to know when I’m playing and when I’m serious. For the most part they respect me and do what they’re told.

But lately it’s been very difficult for me. The last time Todd was gone for two weeks I found myself yearning for intimacy, for someone to sleep beside me, and yes, for sex. I’m 33. I don’t consider myself vain, but I do try to take care of myself. I jog, read, and exercise regularly, both to keep healthy and to help deal with the frustrations of solitude. It’s just that lately, I’ve noticed many of the students, and even some of the teachers, “looking me over.” Or have they always done it and, now that my cravings are kicking into overdrive, I’m just now noticing it?

I think the last straw came about a week ago. I had finished my classes for the day, so I came home, tied my shoulder-length auburn hair into a ponytail, and put on my grey sports bra and loose running shorts. Normally I do two laps around the neighborhood, but today I did three. It didn’t help. I still felt the burning need inside me for affection, for attention. When I came home, I picked up a spy thriller I’d been reading and went out by the pool to relax and read. It was then that I noticed Amy, a sophomore at the community college I teach at, sunbathing by the pool.

She wore the skimpiest thong and top I think I’ve ever seen in my life, and she had no tan lines at all that I could see. The black material, if you could call it that, matched perfectly the raven tint of her hair. I nodded to her and lay down in one of the deck chairs beside her. I’d always been impressed at how seriously Amy took her school work. She was a very attractive and popular girl, but she always kept up with her school work and her chores. I remember she once told me that she wanted to be a writer, just like me. I’d read some of her work and really enjoyed it, especially some of her more…well, her erotic pieces. Sometimes when I was really frustrated, I’d lie in bed and read them as I pleasured myself. I know that sounds shameful to some, but the stories excited me, as did Amy’s ability to write such beautiful and exotic images.

Soon I heard a soft moaning. I turned to look at her, and she was rubbing suntan lotion into her body, paying special attention to her lovely young breasts. I turned back to my book, but out of the corner of my eyes I could see her thighs rubbing back and forth together as she “massaged” more oil into her breasts. Suddenly I swallowed hard. I noticed suddenly my nipples were hard and rubbing against my top and my shorts had slid up my legs quite a bit. And here was Amy, openly staring at me, thinking God only knows what. Well, by the look on her face, I could tell just what she was thinking. Finally she muttered, “I gotta go, Mom,” and darted in the house.

I set my book to the side and closed my eyes, taking several breaths to calm me down. It was then that I heard Matt’s voice talking to me. “Mom, you okay?” I opened my eyes to see Matt bent slightly over me, sweat trickling down his bare chest and into the waist of his swimming trunks. A glass of ice water was in his hand. Unlike his sister, Matt had inherited his father’s piercing blue-green eyes and shaggy blond hair. “Yeah…I’m okay. Just a bit winded from my jog,” I lied, hoping I wasn’t trembling too much.

“Okay,” he said, a look of concern on his face. “I’m gonna go for a swim. Let me know if you need anything?” I nodded, and he walked towards the pool.

“Sure, Matt.” I took one last exhale and steadied myself. Matt was a senior in high school and captain of the gymnastics team. And unlike most school athletes I had met, he was very humble and soft spoken, almost shy compared to his sister’s outgoing manner. And while his grades weren’t as high as his sister’s, he kept up a high B average, which would all but guarantee an athletic scholarship to any college in the state.

But what I noticed at this point as Matt slipped out of the water to take a drink from his glass was the snug way that his trunks fit around him, especially around the impressive bulge in the front. I shook the image out of my head and leaned my head back, closing my eyes tightly. The water must be warm. That and the physical exertion of swimming must have caused…that. I let my legs and back relax, allowing the heat of the sun to soothe me into a sleepy lull.

Something odd startled me. I turned my head down to see Matt, still in the water, standing at the edge of the pool. His left arm rested on the side of the pool, but there was something odd about the way his right arm moved. Even though I couldn’t see all of his right arm, the way it was moving, he’d have to be rubbing or pulling something.

My heart stopped. My stepson was jerking off. While he was looking at me! He noticed me watching him, and his face went a deep crimson. He turned around quickly and swam towards the deep end of the pool.

I ran inside and upstairs to the bedroom Todd and I shared. I closed the door quickly and collapsed against it. My own stepkids were lusting after me! What was I going to do?


What do I do now?

          Hot shower



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