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"In space no one can hear you breed" | LordXorph | 4


Suddenly the computer speaks to us over the PA system. ", please go to your cabin. , I require your presence on the bridge." it said in its calm, flat voice.

"What's this about?" I ask.

"Please come to the control room on the bridge." replied the computer, refusing to give more information than that.

shrugged, gave me half a smile and said "I guess it wants to talk to you in private. Don't worry, I'll be in my cabin."

Feeling confused, I turned for the corridor to the bridge. Several of the fluorescent lights were blinking and I could hear a cooling fan, which should run silently, whirring metallically. The ship was beginning to show a bit of wear and tear and there weren't enough of us left to maintain it properly, even if my sister and I were technicians.

I reached the control room and let the door slide closed behind me. "Now, what's so damn secret that you can't tell me in front of ?" I demanded. The computer answered in its unperturbed voice, ", I am afraid there is more bad news." It felt as though someone had driven a knife into my guts. More bad news? My parents and friends were dead and I was stuck on a deteriorating ship, and there was more bad news?

"It seems that, in the 203 years since this ship set out, Earth has met with disaster. I have received coded transmissions that the human race was defeated in an interstellar war and the population decimated. There may be as little as a few thousand survivors among the distant colonies."

My heart sank, but the computer continued. "It is necessary, therefore, that this colony survive and prosper at all costs."

I buried my face in my hands and said, "Then we're screwed. How can we make a colony now? They're all dead, except me and..." Realization dawned. "No. NO! Me and... You can't be serious!"

"I am always serious. Do not refuse. My systems are no longer new but I am still more than capable of forcing your compliance."

The blood rushed to my head. I was furious. "Well, I DO refuse. What you're asking me to do is sick and wrong, and I won't do it." I marched to the door, but it would not open for me. Then I became aware of a soft hissing sound, and smelt a chemical odour. "What are you doing?" I demanded, but for some reason I did not feel as furious any more.

"What you smell is a specially engineered chemical designed to reduce all your emotions except the urge for cruelty. It is necessary that you act logically but ruthlessly. This chemical does not affect women but its effects will last roughly two weeks for you. I regret the crime I am committing against you, but there is no alternative."

Suddenly I understood the computer's point of view. Survival at all costs. "I understand now." I said. "But will resist me."
The computer replied, "You must force her to comply. There is a blaster pistol under the desk in front of you. Use it to threaten her."

I took the gun. The doors opened for me now, and I walked purposefully to my sister's cabin.


What happens when I get there?

          She's in the shower

          She's not here


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